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Streamlined Data Transformation to OMOP

Carrot Transform automates data transformation processes and facilitates the standardisation of datasets to the OMOP vocabulary, simplifying the integration of diverse data sources.

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Carrot Mapper is a webapp which allows the user to use the metadata (as output by WhiteRabbit) from a dataset to produce mapping rules to the OMOP standard, in the JSON format. These can be ingested by Carrot Transform to perform the mapping of the contents of the dataset to OMOP.

Carrot Transform transforms input data into tab separated variable files of standard OMOP tables, with concepts mapped according to the provided rules (generated from Carrot Mapper).

Quick Start for Developers

To have the project up and running, please follow the Quick Start Guide.

Release Procedure

To release a new version of carrot-transform follow these steps:

1. Prepare the repository

  • First ensure that repository is clean and all required changes have been merged.
  • Pull the latest changes from main with git pull origin main.

2. Create a release branch

  • Now create a new feature branch name release/v<NEW-VERSION> (e.g. release/v0.2.0).

3. Update the version number

  • Use poetry to bump the version. For example, for a minor version update invoke:
poetry version minor 
  • Commit and push the changes (to the release feature branch):
NEW_VERSION=$(poetry version -s)
git add pyproject.toml
git commit -m "Bump version to $NEW_VERSION"
git push --set-upstream origin release/v$NEW_VERSION

4. Create pull request

  • Open a pull request from release/v$NEW_VERSION to main and await approval.

5. Merge and tag

  • After approval merge the the feature branch to main.
  • Checkout to main, pull updates, and create a tag corresponding to the new version number.
git checkout main
git pull origin main
git tag -a "$NEW_VERSION" -m "Release $NEW_VERSION"
git push origin "$NEW_VERSION"

6. Create a release

  • We must now link the tag to a release in the GitHub repository. To do this from the command line first install GitHub command line tools gh and then invoke:
gh release create "$TAG" --title "$TAG" --notes "Release for $VERSION"


This repository's source code is available under the MIT license.