- xAuth - The best unoffcial authentication plugin for PocketMine-MP. xAuth allows you to control your own servers authentication. xAuth gives you ton of config options to configure to let you see what works with your server the best. It's what SimpleAuth should of been in the first place. xAuth comes with features SimpleAuth does not have such as: Hide/show join messages, logging, debug mode, auto-updater, no permission bugs, select what to allow/disallow when not authenticated, hotbar messages, and more!
- xAuth protects users more and stops some events that SimpleAuth does not.
- xAuth does not have permission bugs.
- You can choose what gets stoped if a player is not logged in.
- More config options then SimpleAuth.
- Use of AsyncQuries.
- Players can type password in chat.
- Easier to login and register for players.
- Includes option for logger.
- Allows you to enable debug.
- Safe-Mode if anything goes wrong. Play it safe!
- Awesome error detector/checks.
- Config updater.
- Active developer, will always stay up to date.
- Ability to Auto-Update plugin.
- Add config option to protect from brute-force logins. (auto-kick)
- Auto-kick if not logged in withen "x" seconds.
#Should I use this over SimpleAuth?
- Yes & no. xAuth is more up to date and better protects your server.
- SimpleAuth is much better at hashing passwords & xAuth is still in development!
#Can I use xAuth now?
- Yes! You can obviously use it, but that does not mean it's ready for production!
#Can I contribute?
- I encourage you too! Please try to use my coding style, otherwise I may go crazy.
#Can you add support for other database types?
- Only MySQL & YML will be supported. I don't reccomend using any other type of database format.
When will this be ready for production? Answer: Soon!
My question is not listed? Answer: Feel free to tweet at @xFlare_Dev on twitter.