Install Leiningen
lein repl
> (start-fw)
Open localhost:3000
We use bootstrap-4 with Garden for local styles (just in components).
(defn component []
(styles/style [:.compoent-class {:border-bottom "1px solid #ddd"
:padding-bottom 0}
[:nested-tags {:border-bottom "3px solid transparent"}
[:&.active {:border-color "#555"}]]])
- create directory with core.cljs - for example ui/patients/core.cljs
- define page components in core.cljs and register under some key with (ui.pages/reg-page :page-key component-function)
- require page namespace in ui.core.cljs
- put routing to pages in ui.routes.cljs
"path" {[:param] {:. :page-key}}
=> this page will be accessible by "/path/[param]"
If you page is huge, you could split it into re-frame modules like /page/events.cljs, page/view.cljs etc (see
- frames - re-usable re-frame modules
- re_form - form builder for re-frame
- ui
- core.cljs - main entry point
- db.cljs - common database subscriptions (may be schema documentation later using clojure.spec)
- routes.cljs - routing is defined here
- pages.cljs - register of pages symbolic map to components
- layout.cljs - layouts
- [page-name]/core.cljs - specific page, like patients etc
lein with-profile prod cljsbuild once ui
cp resources/public/index.html build/
ls -R build