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steps towards an NLG language
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krangelov committed Apr 7, 2024
1 parent 81717e7 commit f637abe
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Showing 6 changed files with 163 additions and 142 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/compiler/api/GF/Grammar/Grammar.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -395,12 +395,12 @@ data Term =

| FV [Term] -- ^ alternatives in free variation: @variants { s ; ... }@

| Markup Ident [(Ident,Term)] [Term]

| Alts Term [(Term, Term)] -- ^ alternatives by prefix: @pre {t ; s\/c ; ...}@
| Strs [Term] -- ^ conditioning prefix strings: @strs {s ; ...}@
| TSymCat Int LIndex [(LIndex,(Ident,Type))]
| TSymVar Int Int
| OpenTag Ident [Assign] -- used internally in the parser
| CloseTag Ident -- used internally in the parser
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- | Patterns
Expand Down
162 changes: 82 additions & 80 deletions src/compiler/api/GF/Grammar/Lexer.x
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
module GF.Grammar.Lexer
( Token(..), Posn(..)
, P, runP, runPartial, token, lexer, getPosn, failLoc
( Lang(..), Token(..), Posn(..)
, P, runP, runLangP, runPartial, token, lexer, getPosn, failLoc
, isReservedWord
) where

Expand All @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BS(w2c)
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as UTF8
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Word(Word8)
import Data.Char(readLitChar,isSpace)
import Data.Char(readLitChar,isSpace,isAlphaNum)
import Data.Maybe(isJust)
import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail
Expand All @@ -31,19 +31,50 @@ $i = [$l $d _ '] -- identifier character
$u = [.\n] -- universal: any character

@rsyms = -- symbols and non-identifier-like reserved words
\; | \= | \{ | \} | \( | \) | \~ | \* \* | \: | \- \> | \, | \[ | \] | \- | \. | \| | \% | \? | \> | \@ | \# | \! | \* | \+ | \+ \+ | \\ | \\\\ | \= \> | \_ | \$ | \/ | \: \= | \: \: \=
\; | \= | \{ | \} | \( | \) | \~ | \* \* | \: | \- \> | \, | \[ | \] | \- | \. | \| | \% | \? | \< | \> | \@ | \# | \! | \* | \+ | \+ \+ | \\ | \\\\ | \= \> | \_ | \$ | \/ | \: \= | \: \: \=

@ident =
(\_ | $l)($l | $d | \_ | \')*

"--" [.]* ; -- Toss single line comments
"{-" ([$u # \-] | \- [$u # \}])* ("-")+ "}" ;

$white+ ;
@rsyms { tok ident }
\< { \_ _ s -> if start_of_tag (BS.tail s)
then T_less_tag
else T_less }
\< $white* @ident $white* (\/ | \>)
{ \lang inp@(AI pos s) inp' _ ->
let inp0 = AI (alexMove pos '<') (BS.tail s)
in case lang of {
NLG -> case getTag inp0 of {
Just (tag,inp') -> POk (inp,inp') (T_open_tag tag) ;
Nothing -> PFailed pos "matching the html tag failed"
} ;
_ -> POk (inp,inp0) T_less
} }
\< $white* @ident $white+ @ident $white* \=
{ \lang inp@(AI pos s) inp' _ ->
let inp0 = AI (alexMove pos '<') (BS.tail s)
in case lang of {
NLG -> case getTag inp0 of {
Just (tag,inp') -> if tag == identS "let"
then POk (inp,inp0) T_less
else POk (inp,inp') (T_open_tag tag) ;
Nothing -> PFailed pos "matching the html tag failed"
} ;
_ -> POk (inp,inp0) T_less
} }
\< \/ $white* @ident { \lang inp@(AI pos s) inp' _ ->
case lang of {
NLG -> case getTag (AI (alexMove (alexMove pos '<') '/') (BS.drop 2 s)) of {
Just (tag,inp') -> POk (inp,inp') (T_close_tag tag) ;
Nothing -> PFailed pos "matching the html tag failed"
} ;
_ -> let inp0 = AI (alexMove pos '<') (BS.tail s)
in POk (inp,inp0) T_less
} }
\' ([. # [\' \\ \n]] | (\\ (\' | \\)))+ \' { tok (T_Ident . identS . unescapeInitTail . unpack) }
(\_ | $l)($l | $d | \_ | \')* { tok ident }
@ident { tok ident }

\" ([$u # [\" \\ \n]] | (\\ (\" | \\ | \' | n | t | $d+)))* \" { tok (T_String . unescapeInitTail . unpack) }
Expand All @@ -53,11 +84,10 @@ $white+ ;
unpack = UTF8.toString
--unpack = id
ident = res T_Ident . identC . rawIdentC
tok f p len s = f (UTF8.take len s)
tok f _ inp@(AI _ s) inp' len = POk (inp,inp') (f (UTF8.take len s))
data Token
= T_exclmark
Expand All @@ -78,7 +108,6 @@ data Token
| T_colon
| T_semicolon
| T_less
| T_less_tag
| T_equal
| T_big_rarrow
| T_great
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -138,6 +167,8 @@ data Token
| T_Integer Integer -- integer literals
| T_Double Double -- double precision float literals
| T_Ident Ident
| T_open_tag Ident
| T_close_tag Ident
deriving Show -- debug
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -171,6 +202,7 @@ resWords = Map.fromList
, b ";" T_semicolon
, b "=" T_equal
, b "=>" T_big_rarrow
, b "<" T_less
, b ">" T_great
, b "?" T_questmark
, b "[" T_obrack
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -251,20 +283,14 @@ alexMove (Pn l c) '\n' = Pn (l+1) 1
alexMove (Pn l c) _ = Pn l (c+1)
alexGetByte :: AlexInput -> Maybe (Word8,AlexInput)
alexGetByte (AI p _ s) =
alexGetByte (AI p s) =
case WBS.uncons s of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (w,s) ->
let p' = alexMove p c
c = BS.w2c w
in p' `seq` Just (w, (AI p' c s))
-- Not used by this lexer:
alexInputPrevChar :: AlexInput -> Char
alexInputPrevChar (AI p c s) = c
let p' = alexMove p (BS.w2c w)
in p' `seq` Just (w, (AI p' s))
data AlexInput = AI {-# UNPACK #-} !Posn -- current position,
{-# UNPACK #-} !Char -- previous char
{-# UNPACK #-} !BS.ByteString -- current input string
type AlexInput2 = (AlexInput,AlexInput)
Expand All @@ -274,7 +300,9 @@ data ParseResult a
| PFailed Posn -- The position of the error
String -- The error message
newtype P a = P { unP :: AlexInput2 -> ParseResult a }
data Lang = GF | BNFC | NLG
newtype P a = P { unP :: Lang -> AlexInput2 -> ParseResult a }
instance Functor P where
fmap = liftA
Expand All @@ -284,94 +312,68 @@ instance Applicative P where
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad P where
return a = a `seq` (P $ \s -> POk s a)
(P m) >>= k = P $ \ s -> case m s of
POk s a -> unP (k a) s
PFailed posn err -> PFailed posn err
return a = a `seq` (P $ \_ s -> POk s a)
(P m) >>= k = P $ \l s -> case m l s of
POk s a -> unP (k a) l s
PFailed posn err -> PFailed posn err
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0))
-- Monad(fail) will be removed in GHC 8.8+
fail =
instance Fail.MonadFail P where
fail msg = P $ \(_,AI posn _ _) -> PFailed posn msg
fail msg = P $ \_ (_,AI posn _) -> PFailed posn msg
runP :: P a -> BS.ByteString -> Either (Posn,String) a
runP p bs = snd <$> runP' p (Pn 1 0,bs)
runP p bs = snd <$> runP' GF p (Pn 1 0,bs)
runLangP :: Lang -> P a -> BS.ByteString -> Either (Posn,String) a
runLangP lang p bs = snd <$> runP' lang p (Pn 1 0,bs)
runPartial p s = conv <$> runP' p (Pn 1 0,UTF8.fromString s)
runPartial p s = conv <$> runP' GF p (Pn 1 0,UTF8.fromString s)
where conv ((pos,rest),x) = (UTF8.toString rest,x)
runP' (P f) (pos,txt) =
case f (dup (AI pos ' ' txt)) of
POk (AI pos _ rest,_) x -> Right ((pos,rest),x)
runP' lang (P f) (pos,txt) =
case f lang (dup (AI pos txt)) of
POk (AI pos rest,_) x -> Right ((pos,rest),x)
PFailed pos msg -> Left (pos,msg)
dup x = (x,x)
failLoc :: Posn -> String -> P a
failLoc pos msg = P $ \_ -> PFailed pos msg
failLoc pos msg = P $ \_ _ -> PFailed pos msg
lexer :: (Token -> P a) -> P a
lexer cont = cont=<<token
token :: P Token
token = P go
go ai2@(_,inp@(AI pos _ str)) =
go lang (_,inp) =
case alexScan inp 0 of
AlexEOF -> POk (inp,inp) T_EOF
AlexError (AI pos _ _) -> PFailed pos "lexical error"
AlexSkip inp' len -> {-trace (show len) $-} go (inp,inp')
AlexToken inp' len act -> POk (inp,inp') (act pos len str)
AlexError (AI pos _) -> PFailed pos "lexical error"
AlexSkip inp' len -> go lang (inp,inp')
AlexToken inp' len act -> act lang inp inp' len
start_of_tag s = isJust (match s)
getTag inp = space inp
match s = do
s <- matchSpace s
(char s '/'
do s <- matchIdent s
s <- matchSpace s
(char s '/'
do s <- matchIdent s
s <- matchSpace s
char s '='))
matchSpace s
| BS.null s = Just s
| isSpace (BS.head s) = matchSpace (BS.tail s)
| otherwise = Just s
init =
BS.pack "_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýþÿ"
rest =
BS.append init (BS.pack "0123456789'")
char s c
| BS.null s = Nothing
| BS.head s == c = Just (BS.tail s)
| otherwise = Nothing
matchIdent s
| BS.null s = Nothing
| BS.elem (BS.head s) init = matchRest s 1 (BS.tail s)
| otherwise = Nothing
matchRest s0 i s
| BS.null s = checkResWord (BS.take i s0) s
| BS.elem (BS.head s) rest = matchRest s0 (i+1) (BS.tail s)
| otherwise = checkResWord (BS.take i s0) s
checkResWord w s =
case Map.lookup (identC (rawIdentC w)) resWords of
Just t -> Nothing
Nothing -> Just s
space inp = do
(w,inp') <- alexGetByte inp
if isSpace (BS.w2c w)
then space inp'
else ident [] inp
ident cs inp = do
(w,inp') <- alexGetByte inp
let c = BS.w2c w
if isAlphaNum c || c == '_'
then ident (c:cs) inp'
else return (identS (reverse cs),inp)
getPosn :: P Posn
getPosn = P $ \ai2@(_,inp@(AI pos _ _)) -> POk ai2 pos
getPosn = P $ \_ ai2@(_,inp@(AI pos _)) -> POk ai2 pos

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