The robot_info package is created by ROS nodes and is a part of a project aimed at creating a user-friendly graphical interface for robot teleoperation and monitoring. This package provides a ROS node that publishes essential information about the robot. It serves as the backend support for a GUI application, enabling users to interact and control robot's more efficiently.
- c++ compiler
- Linux
1. clone this repository inside your catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
2. Compile the package:
cd ~/catkin_ws
3. Source the ROS environment:
source devel/setup.bash
1. start the ROS core by using the following code:
2. Launch the robot info node:
rosrun robot_info agv_robot_info_node
3. subscribe to 'robot_info' topic in terminal_2:
rostopic echo /robot_info
Robot moving forward:
data_field_01: "robot_description: Mir100"
data_field_02: "serial_number: 567A359"
data_field_03: "ip_address:"
data_field_04: "firmware_version: 3.5.8"
data_field_05: "maximum_payload: 100 Kg"
data_field_06: "hydraulic_oil_temperature: 45C"
data_field_07: "hydraulic_oil_tank_fill_level: 100%"
data_field_08: "hydraulic_oil_pressure: 250 bar"\