An experimental publishing tool that takes incoming http requests, authorizes them and then turns them into static files inside a remote git repository for later consumption by a static site generator running in a gh-pages like environment or a dynamic web app that renders content from static files on disk.
It currently works but generates an inflexible Jekyll post file in a specific location in a repository and is undocumented!
- micropub (posting)
- Simple File handling for small files in git.
- Support for a simple jekyll post schema.
- Breaking down into small modules:
- Documentation: Micropub is still a baby.
- Work out all the kinks.
- Testing
- Example Jekyll Template.
- micropub (editing)
- webmention
- Robust file handling (S3, Dropbox, Bittorrent Sync, Camlistore)
- Advanced syndication options (POSSE PESOS)
- Support for arbitrary post templates and schema.
- Flexible pathing.
- Static Site Generator Agnostic
- Site Provisioning
- One click deploy
- Administration Pannel
- Automated Conflict Management and 3 way merges.
- Get added to the Fork n Go listing
- Migrate from express to Hapi