gix v0.61.1
This release also updates reqwest
to v0.12, bringing hyper 1.0 and a more recent rustls
Bug Fixes
- missing closing backtick in gix lib documentation
Commit Statistics
- 7 commits contributed to the release over the course of 2 calendar days.
- 3 days passed between releases.
- 1 commit was understood as conventional.
- 0 issues like '(#ID)' were seen in commit messages
Commit Details
view details
- Uncategorized
- Prepare changelogs prior to release (7018a92)
- Merge branch 'patch-1' (8fde62b)
- Turn
into a workspace package (adee500) - Make reqwest a workspace package (369cf1b)
- Merge pull request #1325 from kdelorey/fix/simple-docs-formatting (3b34699)
- Fixed opening of backtick in documentation. (f1bc4cd)
- Missing closing backtick in gix lib documentation (e1fec3c)