released this
23 Jul 18:35
Bug Fixes
assure that worktree-roots are never considered ignored.
If they were, they would more easily be deleted by tooling like gix clean
Commit Statistics
17 commits contributed to the release over the course of 55 calendar days.
62 days passed between releases.
1 commit was understood as conventional .
1 unique issue was worked on: #1458
Commit Details
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Assure that worktree-roots are never considered ignored. (1e92d1e )
Add tests that show what happens with allow-lists and /
in root (1ebd6c7 )
Release gix-glob v0.16.4, gix-attributes v0.22.3, gix-command v0.3.8, gix-filter v0.11.3, gix-fs v0.11.2, gix-commitgraph v0.24.3, gix-revwalk v0.13.2, gix-traverse v0.39.2, gix-worktree-stream v0.13.1, gix-archive v0.13.2, gix-config-value v0.14.7, gix-tempfile v14.0.1, gix-ref v0.45.0, gix-sec v0.10.7, gix-config v0.38.0, gix-prompt v0.8.6, gix-url v0.27.4, gix-credentials v0.24.3, gix-ignore v0.11.3, gix-index v0.33.1, gix-worktree v0.34.1, gix-diff v0.44.1, gix-discover v0.33.0, gix-pathspec v0.7.6, gix-dir v0.6.0, gix-mailmap v0.23.5, gix-negotiate v0.13.2, gix-pack v0.51.1, gix-odb v0.61.1, gix-transport v0.42.2, gix-protocol v0.45.2, gix-revision v0.27.2, gix-refspec v0.23.1, gix-status v0.11.0, gix-submodule v0.12.0, gix-worktree-state v0.11.1, gix v0.64.0, gix-fsck v0.4.1, gitoxide-core v0.39.0, gitoxide v0.37.0 (a1b73a6 )
Update manifests (by cargo-smart-release) (0470df3 )
Prepare changelog prior to release (99c00cc )
Merge branch 'fixes' (b4dba1c )
Release gix-path v0.10.9 (15f1cf7 )
Release gix-actor v0.31.4, gix-object v0.42.3 (bf3d82a )
Merge branch 'heredocs' (7330844 )
Use <<
rather than <<-
heredoc operator (2641f8b )
Release gix-path v0.10.8 (8d89b86 )
Merge branch 'tar-only' (1dfa90d )
Remove binary files in favor of tar
files (dcab79a )
Merge branch 'main' into config-key-take-2 (9fa1054 )
Merge pull request #1361 from EliahKagan/freebsd (9c65d98 )
Make bash script shebangs more portable (68cbea8 )
Release gix-fs v0.11.1, gix-glob v0.16.3 (2cefe77 )
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