gix-config-value v0.14.4
1781 commits
to main
since this release
Bug Fixes
::from_str()` won't panic when encountering unicode values.
Previously it would try to byte-index a presumed ascii string to convert
hex to RGB, which could panic if the string wasn't actually ascii.Now it validates that the characters to convert are actually on a character
Commit Statistics
- 7 commits contributed to the release over the course of 19 calendar days.
- 20 days passed between releases.
- 1 commit was understood as conventional.
- 0 issues like '(#ID)' were seen in commit messages
Commit Details
view details
- Uncategorized
- Prepare changelogs prior to release (6a2e0be)
- Merge pull request #1248 from joshtriplett/tyop (39f35da)
- Typo fixes (3ef3bc2)
- Merge branch 'fuzz-gix-config-value' (03ec4e9)
- Optimize fuzzer allocations for slightly better performance (85476a2)
::from_str()` won't panic when encountering unicode values. (f9d566f)- Add gix-config-value fuzzer (3f4db4a)