Yet another typing tool for Shuang users, inspired by, and typing-cn, without the need of selecting words. You only need to enter the letters!
- Go to
- Select your preferred scheme at left-top corner
- Start tying! Remember: don't type in Chinese. Only Pinyin is required.
- Basic functionalities
- Validate
- Load themes (Instead of loading themes from remote, I hard code them into one theme file, and change with css variable and h5 data attribute)
- Refresh on config
- Buttons to change config
- Change number of counted mode
- More content
- Normal Pinyin
- English
- Chinese direct input
- Stats after typing
- Performance
- Optimize typekit loading - done by removing it entirely
- Optimize first screen loading
- PWA support
- More input mode
- Counted mode
- Timed mode
- Zen mode
- Coding mode
- More themes
- Olivia
- BoW
- WoB
- Bearded
- Nord
- 8002
- Press
- Toggle input content
- Punctuation
- Numbers
- Hotkey
- Hotkey customization
- R for quick restart
- Animation
- Word list pinyin animation fine-tuning
- Stats
- Chart provided by chart.js