Carepulse Backend is a RESTful API built with ASP.NET Core, designed to support a healthcare management application. This backend service provides authentication, appointment scheduling, and management of patients, doctors, and admins. The project includes role-based authentication for admin, doctors, and patients, with JWT tokens for secure access.
- Features
- Technologies
- Project Structure
- Getting Started
- Environment Variables
- Database Setup
- Running the Project
- API Documentation
- Contributing
- User Management: Register and manage users with different roles: Admin, Doctor, Patient.
- Role-Based Authentication: Secure endpoints using JWT and role-based authorization.
- Patient Records: Store and retrieve patient details.
- Doctor and Appointment Management: Schedule, update, and delete appointments with detailed doctor-patient relationships.
- ASP.NET Core for building the RESTful API.
- Entity Framework Core as the ORM for database operations.
- JWT for secure authentication.
- SQL Server as the default database.
- Dependency Injection for service management.
- Swagger for API documentation.
├── Controllers # Contains API controllers for managing requests
├── Data # Contains database context and migrations
├── DTOs # Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) for requests and responses
├── Entities # Contains database models (e.g., User, Patient, Appointment)
├── Services # Business logic services (e.g., UserService, AppointmentService)
├── Services/Interfaces # Service interfaces for Dependency Injection
├── Migrations # Auto-generated database migrations
└── Program.cs # Configures and starts the ASP.NET application
Ensure you have the following installed:
- .NET 8 SDK
- SQL Server (or other database if configured)
- Entity Framework CLI (for migrations)
git clone
cd carepulse-backend
Create a appsettings.json
file at the root of your project, if it doesn’t already exist, and configure the following environment variables.
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DefaultConnection": "xxx"
"JWT": {
"SecretKey": "xxx",
"Issuer": "Carepulse",
"Audience": "CarepulseUsers"
- DefaultConnection: Your database connection string (SQL Server or another database provider).
- JWT SecretKey: A strong key for JWT encryption. (Use a 256-bit key for best security).
CLI tool is installed.dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
Add a migration to set up the database schema.
dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate
Update the database to apply the migration.
dotnet ef database update
Start the application:
dotnet run
Access the API at
. -
Swagger is available at
for API documentation and testing.
Swagger is used for documenting and testing the API.
- Base URL:
Here are some of the key endpoints:
- Register a new user. - POST
- Login and receive a JWT token.
- Get all patients. - GET
- Get a patient by ID. - POST
- Create a new patient. - PUT
- Update an existing patient. - DELETE
- Delete a patient.
- Get all appointments. - GET
- Get an appointment by ID. - POST
- Create a new appointment. - PUT
- Update an existing appointment. - DELETE
- Delete an appointment.
- Get all doctors - GET
- Get a Doctor - POST
- Create a new Doctor - PUT
- Update an existing doctor - DELETE
- Delete a doctor
- Download Postman and create a new collection.
- Add your API endpoints to the collection.
- Use the Authorization tab in Postman to include the JWT token in the headers for authenticated requests.
The project includes unit tests for services and controllers. To run tests:
dotnet test
- Fork the project.
- Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
- Make your changes and commit them with descriptive messages.
- Push your changes to your branch.
- Open a Pull Request, describing what you've done.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
For inquiries, please contact the project maintainer: Francis Gbohunmi.