Scripting to streaming data from 32-bit 8 channel OpenBCI v3 board, sending to DynamoDB on AWS, or using Socket to send to a client, or save to a local .csv or .txt file.
The Socket client is in ''. Socket server running on 'localhost:5007' by default, change port/host in '' (line 351, line 352) and '' (line 8, 9). After running "python" and connecting to board, run "python" to start streaming.
Comment out '' (line 338) in '' if you don't need Socket streaming in above step.
In function 'handle_sample(sample, opt=3)' in '' (line 446), change the 'opt' parameter to 0 - TCP socket, 1 - Dynamo DB, 2 - local .csv file, 4 - local text file.
Modify csv and txt file saved directory on local computer in '' (line 344, 345).
Data format to .txt, .csv:
'timestamp', 'id', 'subject', 'channel0_value', 'channel1_value', 'channel2_value', 'channel3_value', 'channel4_value', 'channel5_value', 'channel6_value', 'channel7_value'
Data format to socket(json) and Dynamo DB:
{'id':, 'subject': self.subject, 'timestamp': timestamp, 'channel_values': sample.channel_data, 'channel0_value': channel0_value, 'channel1_value': channel1_value, 'channel2_value': channel2_value, 'channel3_value': channel3_value, 'channel4_value': channel4_value, 'channel5_value': channel5_value, 'channel6_value': channel6_value, 'channel7_value': channel7_value}