Updated for Minecraft 1.21.4 on Java 21
Compiled with Gradle 8.11
Kotlin rewrite of the popular mod which adds quake-style movement to minecraft using the fabric mod loader (should be compatible with quilt). Requires Fabric Language Kotlin, depends on YetAnotherConfigLib, Fabric API and optionally Mod Menu.
This mod works fine if installed only on the client, but in order to prevent fall damage from slowing down the player it must be installed on the server too. Players can toggle the mod individually in the settings, or using the keybind.
- quake-style movement
- bunnyhop
- basic speed indicator
- in-game config
- keybind to toggle the mod
- Clone the git repository
- Navigate into the cloned directory
- Run
./gradlew build
The built jar file will be in build/libs/
- Полина for porting to kotlin
- Tlesis and LeviOP for SquakePlusPlus fork
- He11crow for porting the original to fabric (Modrinth)
- squeek502 for the original squake forge mod (CurseForge)
Released into the public domain.