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Fix relocatable shaders with Tess and Gs (#1641)
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The shader merger does not work correctly when all stages of the graphics pipeline are present.  We should not be passing the vertex inputs as parameters in the merged Tes-Gs shader.  We also need to place the merged Vs-Tcs at the start of the text section so the fetch shader can be correct prepended.
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s-perron authored Jan 25, 2022
1 parent a8661e1 commit 03d9e6c
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Showing 4 changed files with 197 additions and 18 deletions.
27 changes: 14 additions & 13 deletions lgc/patch/PatchPreparePipelineAbi.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -196,19 +196,6 @@ void PatchPreparePipelineAbi::mergeShaderAndSetCallingConvs(Module &module) {

if (hasTs && m_hasGs) {
// TS-GS pipeline
if (m_hasTcs) {
auto lsEntryPoint = m_pipelineShaders->getEntryPoint(ShaderStageVertex);
auto hsEntryPoint = m_pipelineShaders->getEntryPoint(ShaderStageTessControl);

if (hsEntryPoint) {
if (lsEntryPoint)
lgc::setShaderStage(lsEntryPoint, ShaderStageTessControl);
auto lsHsEntryPoint = shaderMerger.generateLsHsEntryPoint(lsEntryPoint, hsEntryPoint);
lgc::setShaderStage(lsHsEntryPoint, ShaderStageTessControl);

auto esEntryPoint = m_pipelineShaders->getEntryPoint(ShaderStageTessEval);
auto gsEntryPoint = m_pipelineShaders->getEntryPoint(ShaderStageGeometry);

Expand All @@ -232,6 +219,20 @@ void PatchPreparePipelineAbi::mergeShaderAndSetCallingConvs(Module &module) {
lgc::setShaderStage(esGsEntryPoint, ShaderStageGeometry);

// This must be done after generating the EsGs entry point because it must appear first in the module.
if (m_hasTcs) {
auto lsEntryPoint = m_pipelineShaders->getEntryPoint(ShaderStageVertex);
auto hsEntryPoint = m_pipelineShaders->getEntryPoint(ShaderStageTessControl);

if (hsEntryPoint) {
if (lsEntryPoint)
lgc::setShaderStage(lsEntryPoint, ShaderStageTessControl);
auto lsHsEntryPoint = shaderMerger.generateLsHsEntryPoint(lsEntryPoint, hsEntryPoint);
lgc::setShaderStage(lsHsEntryPoint, ShaderStageTessControl);

setCallingConv(ShaderStageCopyShader, CallingConv::AMDGPU_VS);
} else if (hasTs) {
Expand Down
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions lgc/patch/ShaderMerger.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -534,9 +534,9 @@ FunctionType *ShaderMerger::generateEsGsEntryPointType(uint64_t *inRegMask) cons
argTys.push_back(Type::getInt32Ty(*m_context)); // Relative vertex ID (auto index)
argTys.push_back(Type::getInt32Ty(*m_context)); // Primitive ID (VS)
argTys.push_back(Type::getInt32Ty(*m_context)); // Instance ID


return FunctionType::get(Type::getVoidTy(*m_context), argTys, false);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -831,10 +831,11 @@ Function *ShaderMerger::generateEsGsEntryPoint(Function *esEntryPoint, Function

appendArguments(args, vertexFetchesStart, vertexFetchesEnd);
esArgIdx += (vertexFetchesEnd - vertexFetchesStart);

appendArguments(args, vertexFetchesStart, vertexFetchesEnd);
esArgIdx += (vertexFetchesEnd - vertexFetchesStart);
CallInst::Create(esEntryPoint, args, "", beginEsBlock);
BranchInst::Create(endEsBlock, beginEsBlock);
Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions lgc/test/ShaderStages.lgc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -397,9 +397,10 @@ attributes #1 = { nounwind readonly }
; CHECK-NO-NGG7: !11 = !{i32 4}
; CHECK-NO-NGG7: !12 = !{i32 6}

; _amdgpu_gs_main must be first, so it can be linked with a potential vertex fetch shader.
; CHECK-NGG7: define dllexport amdgpu_gs void @_amdgpu_gs_main{{.*}} !lgc.shaderstage [[geom_stage:![0-9]*]] {
; When there is are tes and geom shader, _amdgpu_hs_main must be first, so it can be linked with a potential
; vertex fetch shader.
; CHECK-NGG7: define dllexport amdgpu_hs void @_amdgpu_hs_main{{.*}} !lgc.shaderstage [[tc_stage:![0-9]*]] {
; CHECK-NGG7: define dllexport amdgpu_gs void @_amdgpu_gs_main{{.*}} !lgc.shaderstage [[geom_stage:![0-9]*]] {
; CHECK-NGG7: define dllexport amdgpu_vs void @_amdgpu_vs_main{{.*}} !lgc.shaderstage [[copy_stage:![0-9]*]] {
; CHECK-NGG7: define internal dllexport amdgpu_ls void @_amdgpu_ls_main{{.*}} !lgc.shaderstage [[tc_stage]] {
; CHECK-NGG7: define internal dllexport amdgpu_hs void @_amdgpu_hs_main.1{{.*}} !lgc.shaderstage [[tc_stage]] {
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
; Test a reloctable shader compilation with every shader stage and a vertex input.

; RUN: amdllpc -spvgen-dir=%spvgendir% -enable-relocatable-shader-elf -o %t.elf %gfxip %s -v | \
; RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix=SHADERTEST %s
; SHADERTEST: Building pipeline with relocatable shader elf.
; SHADERTEST: {{^//}} LLPC pipeline patching results

; Make sure the hs shader comes first and has the vertex attribute as its last parameter.
; SHADERTEST: define dllexport amdgpu_hs void @_amdgpu_hs_main_fetchless({{.*}}, <4 x float> [[vert_attrib:%[0-9]*]])

; Call the original vertex shader passing in the attribute
; SHADERTEST: call void @_amdgpu_ls_main_fetchless({{.*}}, <4 x float> [[vert_attrib]])

; Reach the end of the hs shader
; SHADERTEST: ret void

; Make sure that the GS shader does not have the vertex attribute. It is not needed if it does not call the original
; vertex shader.
; SHADERTEST: define dllexport amdgpu_gs void @_amdgpu_gs_main({{.*}}, i32 {{%[0-9]*}})

; SHADERTEST: {{^//}} LLPC final pipeline module info

version = 52

#version 450

layout(location = 0) in vec4 _14;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 _18;

void main()
_18 = _14;

entryPoint = main

#version 450
layout(vertices = 3) out;

void main()

entryPoint = main

#version 450
layout(triangles, ccw, equal_spacing) in;

void main()

entryPoint = main

#version 450
layout(triangles) in;
layout(max_vertices = 3, triangle_strip) out;

void main()

entryPoint = main

#version 450

void main()

entryPoint = main

userDataNode[0].visibility = 1
userDataNode[0].type = DescriptorTableVaPtr
userDataNode[0].offsetInDwords = 0
userDataNode[0].sizeInDwords = 1
userDataNode[0].next[0].type = DescriptorConstBuffer
userDataNode[0].next[0].offsetInDwords = 0
userDataNode[0].next[0].sizeInDwords = 4
userDataNode[0].next[0].set = 0x00000000
userDataNode[0].next[0].binding = 0
userDataNode[1].visibility = 31
userDataNode[1].type = PushConst
userDataNode[1].offsetInDwords = 1
userDataNode[1].sizeInDwords = 12
userDataNode[1].set = 0xFFFFFFFF
userDataNode[1].binding = 0
userDataNode[2].visibility = 8
userDataNode[2].type = StreamOutTableVaPtr
userDataNode[2].offsetInDwords = 13
userDataNode[2].sizeInDwords = 1
userDataNode[3].visibility = 1
userDataNode[3].type = IndirectUserDataVaPtr
userDataNode[3].offsetInDwords = 14
userDataNode[3].sizeInDwords = 1
userDataNode[3].indirectUserDataCount = 4

patchControlPoints = 3
deviceIndex = 0
disableVertexReuse = 0
switchWinding = 0
enableMultiView = 0
depthClipEnable = 1
rasterizerDiscardEnable = 0
perSampleShading = 0
numSamples = 0
samplePatternIdx = 0
usrClipPlaneMask = 0
alphaToCoverageEnable = 0
dualSourceBlendEnable = 0
colorBuffer[0].format = VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM
colorBuffer[0].channelWriteMask = 15
colorBuffer[0].blendEnable = 0
colorBuffer[0].blendSrcAlphaToColor = 0
nggState.enableNgg = 0
nggState.enableGsUse = 0
nggState.forceCullingMode = 0
nggState.compactMode = NggCompactDisable
nggState.enableVertexReuse = 0
nggState.enableBackfaceCulling = 0
nggState.enableFrustumCulling = 0
nggState.enableBoxFilterCulling = 0
nggState.enableSphereCulling = 0
nggState.enableSmallPrimFilter = 0
nggState.enableCullDistanceCulling = 0
nggState.backfaceExponent = 0
nggState.subgroupSizing = Auto
nggState.primsPerSubgroup = 0
nggState.vertsPerSubgroup = 0
dynamicVertexStride = 0
enableUberFetchShader = 0
enableEarlyCompile = 0
options.includeDisassembly = 0
options.scalarBlockLayout = 1
options.includeIr = 0
options.robustBufferAccess = 0
options.reconfigWorkgroupLayout = 0
options.shadowDescriptorTableUsage = Enable
options.shadowDescriptorTablePtrHigh = 2
options.extendedRobustness.robustBufferAccess = 0
options.extendedRobustness.robustImageAccess = 0
options.extendedRobustness.nullDescriptor = 0

binding[0].binding = 0
binding[0].stride = 32
binding[0].inputRate = VK_VERTEX_INPUT_RATE_VERTEX
attribute[0].location = 0
attribute[0].binding = 0
attribute[0].format = VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT
attribute[0].offset = 0
attribute[1].location = 1
attribute[1].binding = 0
attribute[1].format = VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SFLOAT
attribute[1].offset = 16

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