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Server Ads


GFL's Server Ads plugin that prints global, game-specific, server-specific, and paid advertisements to all players on the server with an interval.


  • GFL Core - The core of the GFL SourceMod plugins and includes useful natives for logging purposes.
  • GFL MySQL - GFL's MySQL plugin for handling database connection.


  • sm_gflsa_ad_interval => Interval in seconds to display an advertisement to chat (default 30).
  • sm_gflsa_custom_ads_file => The location to server-specific ads starting from addons/sourcemod/configs (default customads.txt).
  • sm_gflsa_global_tablename => The table where all non-paid advertisements are stored (default "gfl_adverts-default").
  • sm_gflsa_paid_tablename => The table where all paid advertisements are stored (default "gfl_adverts-paid").
  • sm_gflsa_game_id => The game ID to pick game-specific advertisements from (default 4 for CS:GO).
  • sm_gflsa_db_priority => Database priority to use for queries executed by the plugin (default 1).
  • sm_gflsa_db_createtable => If enabled, the plugin will attempt to create the paid and non-paid advertisement tables automatically if they do not exist (default 0).
  • sm_gflsa_advancedebug => Whether to enable verbose logging (default 0).
