FastTurtle is a ROS package that consists of a 2D simulator library for Turtlebot3 testing.
This ROS package has two functionalities:
- Live Simulation (launches a live simulation that listens to
( messages commands. These commands control Turtlebot3 Burger robots ( - Library (can be used as C++ library for learning/training faster simulations)
To date, the scene could contain:
a) A squared bounded world with parameters (float length, float xc, float yc, std::string type
), e.g:
ft->init_world(4, 0, 0, "square");
b) Robots: A maximum of four Turtlebot3 Burgers with parameters (float x, float y, float orientation_radians, float radius, std::string name, float controller_period
), e.g:
ft->add_turtlebot_burger(0, -1, -M_PI_2, BURGER_RADIUS, "michelangelo", 0.1);
c) Rounded obstacles with parameters (float x, float y, float radius, std::string type
), e.g:
ft->add_obstacle(0, -2, obstacle_radius, "round");
You could take a look for the default implemented scene in the file fast_turtle/src/live_simulation.cpp
roslaunch fast_turtle fast_turtle_live.launch
- via Controller: The live simulations listens to four topics (
). Each topic is waiting for ageometry/Twist
message command. Each topic controls each robot added to the scene by order, respectively. There is a controller example already implemented (fast_turtle/src/my_controller.cpp
) that listens and interacts with the robots in real-time. Editmy_controller.cpp
as you like. This controller is already listening to the\robots
topic where one has the real-timepose
data andlaser_scan
data for each robot added in the the live scene. It is also capable of publishingcmd_vel
twist commands. - via Teleoperation: If you wish to teleoperate you can clone another package into your ROS Workspace called
accessible at: By default, this package is publishing in thecmd_vel
topic. Change the topic name in the fileturtlebot3_teleop/nodes/
file to one of the previously mentioned four topics.
After clonning, you launch teleoperation with the following command:roslaunch turtlebot3_teleop turtlebot3_teleop_key.launch
1) Inside the folder fast_turtle/scripts
, create a your_script_file_name.cpp
script file that uses the library. There is already an example.cpp
script file in the scripts
folder, as represented below (just to give you a big picture idea of how to use the library):
// example.cpp
#include "fast_turtle.h" // The simulator library
#include <ros/ros.h> // The ROS library if you want to use it
int main()
FastTurtle ft; // The simulator object
ft.init_world(4, 0, 0,"square"); // Initializing the world
// Adding a robot to the world (x=0,y=-1,orientation=-M_PI/2,radius=0.09m,cycle_time=1s,name="michelangelo")
ft.add_turtlebot_burger(0, -1, -M_PI_2, 0.09, 1, "michelangelo");
// Adding an obstacle (x=0, y=-2, radius=0.1m, type="round", dynamics = false)
ft.add_obstacle(0, -2, 0.1, "round");
// Defining some twist commands to act in the world
float v = 0.1; // linear velocity
float w = 0.0; // angular velocity
// Define the observation object (where we collect the observations of the robot)
Observation observation;
// The main loop of the simulator
// Only one robot acting and observing
// The 0 argument below is because it is the only robot added until now
//and it is in the first element of the vector of robots in the world object
// Robot 0 Acting with twist commands in the world
// Observation of the Robot 0 created above
observation = ft.observe(0);
// Print the observation to the terminal for debugging
return 0;
Inside the folder fast_turtle/scripts
add the following lines to the end of the CMakeLists.txt
add_executable(your_script_alias your_script_file_name.cpp)
target_link_libraries(your_script_alias ft ${catkin_LIBRARIES})
add_dependencies(your_script_alias fast_turtle_generate_messages_cpp)
Go to the fast_turtle/scripts
folder via terminal and run the following commands
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
After the last step, a folder fast_turtle/scripts/exe
is created. Go the exe
folder via terminal and run the following command:
. Done!