The simplest C/C++ project template for beginners.
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Run following command in VS Code terminal to install XMake:
curl -fsSL | bash
winget install BrechtSanders.WinLibs.POSIX.MSVCRT Xmake-io.Xmake Microsoft.VisualStudioCode
code --install-extension tboox.xmake-vscode
code --install-extension ms-vscode.cpptools-extension-pack
brew install gcc xmake
brew install --cask visual-studio-code
code --install-extension tboox.xmake-vscode
code --install-extension ms-vscode.cpptools-extension-pack
curl -fsSL | bash
flatpak install com.visualstudio.code
code --install-extension tboox.xmake-vscode
code --install-extension ms-vscode.cpptools-extension-pack
If you want to known more usage about xmake, please see
You can enter the project directory firstly before building project.
cd projectdir
If you have building errors with XMake & MinGW, the command below might help you to fix it, and "somehash" in the following path is a placeholder for the actual hash of the installed package
xmake f -p mingw --mingw=%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\WinGet\Packages\BrechtSanders.WinLibs.POSIX.MSVCRT_Microsoft.Winget.Source_somehash\mingw64 -c
xmake f -p [macosx|linux|iphoneos ..] -a [x86_64|i386|arm64 ..] -m [debug|release]
The default output directory is ./build
and you can configure the output directory.
xmake f -o outputdir
xmake run [targetname]
xmake run -d [targetname]
xmake install
xmake install -o installdir
-- add debug and release modes
add_rules("mode.debug", "mode.release")
-- add macro definition
add_defines("NDEBUG", "_GNU_SOURCE=1")
-- set warning all as error
set_warnings("all", "error")
-- set language: c99, c++11
set_languages("c99", "c++11")
-- set optimization: none, faster, fastest, smallest
-- add include search directories
add_includedirs("/usr/include", "/usr/local/include")
-- add link libraries and search directories
add_linkdirs("/usr/local/lib", "/usr/lib")
-- add system link libraries
add_syslinks("z", "pthread")
-- add compilation and link flags
add_cxflags("-stdnolib", "-fno-strict-aliasing")
add_ldflags("-L/usr/local/lib", "-lpthread", {force = true})