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Research Track I: Assignment 2

This is the repository for the solution of Research Track 1 second assignment. The goal of the assignment is to develop a ROS package containing the develop of three Ros nodes to interact with the envoriment provided in the package which makes a robot move in an arena. The assignment was developed by writing the nodes in Python, adding the necessary directory and modifing the CMake File. In order to make the execution of the code more user friendly a launch file was also develop.

How to run the solution

First the repository need to be downloaded with the command git clone this need to be done inside the src folder of a ROS workspace, then the folder created need to be renamed into 'pkg_assignment2'.

As said before to make easy the execution of the file a launch file was made. So what need to be done is:

  • start the ROS core: writing the command roscore
  • open two different terminal
    • in one terminal launch the enviroment provided writing roslaunch assignment_2_2022 assignment1.launch
    • in the other terminal launch the node developed writing roslaunch pkg_assignment2 ass2.launch. The launch file only start nodeA and nodeC because they are the only nodes who have to work all the time. NodeB execute only when called, and to run it in a terminal need to write the command rosrun pkg_assignment2

It's necessary to download also the package contained in the repository, that it is inside the src folder of the ROS workspace in a folder called 'assignment_2_2022' otherwise the necessary structure won't be found by ROS.

How it works

Node A

Node A is the main node and it's in charge of multiple things:

  • Action client node: it takes from input the coordinates the robot has to reach and send them to the Action Server that makes the robot move to actually reach the desired position.
  • Service server, it send on the topic 'ass/goal' the info about the number of goal reached or canceled using a custom Service Goal when a request is made.
  • Publisher of custom messages (defined as Custom), describing the position and the velocity of the robot, on the topic 'ass/pos_vel' each time it get the new position of the robot from the message published on the topic '/odom'.

Let's see the pseudo code of the Node A, and the code of the different functions used.


#import all the necessary library
import rospy
import actionlib
import actionlib.msg
import assignment_2_2022.msg
import time
import math
import select
import sys
from geometry_msgs.msg import  Pose, Point, PoseStamped, Vector3
from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry
from pkg_assignment2.msg import Custom
from pkg_assignment2.srv import Goal, GoalResponse

#define global variables used by different function
target = PoseStamped()
position = Point()
t_precision = 0.5

  rospy.init() #init Rosnode
  rospy.Subscriber('/odom', Odometry, clbk_odom) #subscribe to Odometry messages 
  rospy.Service("ass/goal", Goal, clbk_srv) #start the service on the topic 'ass/goal'
  pub=rospy.Publisher("ass/pos_vel", Custom, queue_size=10) #start the publish of Custom message on the topic 'ass/pos_vel'


this is the function that start the action client, take the input from keyboard, send it to the action server and then cancel the goal if the user asks to. After the coordinates to reach are passed to it by writing some float on the shell when asked, to cancel the goal it looks in the terminal in a non blocking way and when 'y' is written it cancel the goal.

def nodeA_client();
  client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient() #start action client
  client.wait_for_server() #wait until the action server isn't start
    x=input(x); #take x value
    y=input(y) #take y value
    goal = assignment_2_2022.msg.PlanningGoal(target) #set the goal to be the coordinates taken as input
    client.send_goal(goal) #send the goal to the server
    err_pos #compute error position
    dist_precision #threshold to reach the goal
      select(stadin) #look if there are info on standard in
      recompute err_pos
      if select:
        v=read from stdin
        if v='y':
          cancel +=1
          printf("input non valid")
        recompute err_pos
    if(err_pos < dist_precision):
      reached +=1


this is a function called each time message is publish on the '/odom' topic and it will publish a message about the velocity of the robot an the distance it has from the target.

def clbk_odom(msg):
  position = msg.position
  linear = msg.linear
  pub.publish(send) #publish the customer server


function called each time a request is made to the service server and just return the number of goal reached and cancelled.

  def clbk_srv():
    return GoalResponse(reached, canc)

Node B

It's a node that makes a request to the service server on topic 'ass/goal' to know the number of goal reached and the number of goal cancelled. After it receives the response and print the result obtained it ends its execution.

Node C

It's a node subscribed to the custome message published on the topic 'ass/pos' from which it reads the distance the robot has from the target and the robot's velocity, it prints them whit a frequency set in the ros parameter 'my_freq' .

Launch file

the launch file it's a very helpful tool for a ROS package because it could start nodes, set parameter and call other launch files.

The launch file written for this assignment it's in charge to set the parameter use by NodeC to set the frequency to print the informations read and then launch NodeA and NodeC. It doesn't launch NodeB because it's execution end once it print the result and if it's launched at the beginning there aren't any goal send yet so it will print only 0,0. It can launch also the environment of the simulation but the decision to not launch it was takes because the output of the environment doesn't make clearly to see the output of nodeC.

To make launch also the envoiroment need to add to the launch file the line

 <include file="$(find assignment_2_2022)/launch/assignment1.launch" />


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