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Docker Ubuntu Wrapper for DevOps Engineers

This container wraps common commands used by DevOps engineers working with purposeful technology and facilitates the decisive segmentation of client specific code and credentials.

Available Commands / Software

Command Comment Version
terraform Provides support for Terraform. Must be configured with your credentials for the relevant provider. 1.6.1
aws AWS-CLI V2 Latest Version as at 17th October 2023 2.13.26
brew Homebrew, simple PostNIX package management system. 4.1.16
curl cURL CLI 7.81.0
wget Wget CLI 1.21.2
unzip Provides support for expanding ZIP files. 6.00
nano Popular PostNIX text editor. 6.2
vi Slimlined basic PostNIX text editor. Vi IMproved 8.2
stax2aws Provides SSO support for AWS-CLI 1.4.3
az Azure CLI 2.53.0
git GIT CLI 2.43.1
python3 Python CLI 3.10.12
ansible Ansible 2.15.5

Get Started

Run the following commands;

  1. docker build -t wrap . (Note: If running Apple Silicone, please use the command docker build -t wrap -f ARMv8-Dockerfile .)
  2. docker-compose up -d
  3. docker exec -it wrap /bin/bash

Configuring Bash Aliases

Add the following to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc file to provide the wrap command. Alternatively, if you use Foxables Open-ZSH, you can add the below code to your $ZSH/.zshrc.d/ folder as and then run source ~/.zshrc on your host machine.

wrap () {
    if [ -z "$1" ]
        echo "No argument was supplied. Please ensure that arguments are encased in quotations to prevent unescaped strings.";

    if [ "$1" = "enter" ] || [ "$1" = "e" ]
        echo "Entering interactive terminal on wrapper..."
        docker exec -it wrap /usr/bin/zsh

    echo "Executing command on wrapper..."
    echo "$1 2>&1" | docker exec -i wrap /usr/bin/zsh -

Note: You can use wrap e or wrap enter to enter the Ubuntu Wrapper Context with an interactive terminal, this allows you to run any number of interactive commands directly within the Ubuntu container.

Configuring Git

The basics of git are configured for you within the relevant .env file. However! You will need to generate your SSH Key and store it within the .ssh directory.

  1. Run wrap e or docker exec -it wrap /usr/bin/zsh.
  2. Run the command ssh-keygen and follow the prompts. Your SSH key should be created in the wrap container under the /root/.ssh directory which maps to the local .ssh directory on the docker host machine.
  3. Add your newly generated public key to your git account on the relevant git server.

In some cases you may need to run ssh git@hostname in order to add the host identifier to the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file.

Note: Custom changes to the container config that are not in the Dockerbuild file may be lost when executing docker-compose down.

Additional Information

By default, this project is configured to connect to a dev-container called wrap. If you intend on using a different name, you may need to remove the .devcontainer configuration and follow the official documentation on How to Configure VSCode to Run in an Existing Dev Container.

Note: Homebrew within a linux container does not support Apple Silicone natively. Containers that run on Apple Silicone will need to be ran using platform emulation. Please use the ARMv8-Dockerfile for all Apple Silicone Environments.

Warning: Do not commit your existing repositories to any fork of this project. The repos directory is added to the .gitignore file for a reason.


Containerised Standard Development Environment







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