This repository contains the backend implementation for Pharma Care, a comprehensive e-commerce platform designed to sell pharmacy products and medicines with a user-friendly interface for buyers, sellers, and administrators. This project offers an extensive set of features, including dashboards for users, sellers, and admins, robust payment management, and advanced reporting tools.
- User sign-up, login, and role-based authentication (User, Seller, Admin).
- Social login integration via Google and GitHub.
- JWT token-based authentication and secure routes for private pages.
- Supports multiple sellers managing their own products.
- Role-based access control for users (User, Seller, Admin).
User Management:
- Promote/demote users to/from Seller/Admin roles.
- Assign or revoke admin privileges for users.
Category Management:
- Add, update, and delete categories for medicines.
- Maintain a dynamic list of categories on the platform.
Sales Report:
- Generate and download sales reports (PDF, CSV, XLSX) by filtering through dates and other criteria.
- View total sales revenue and pending payments for the platform.
Payment Management:
- Approve or reject payments based on order status (Paid or Pending).
- View detailed payment information for all transactions.
Advertisement Management:
- Control which medicines appear in the homepage slider banner.
- Toggle medicine advertisements on or off via a simple interface.
Medicine Management:
- Add new medicines with detailed information (name, category, price, description, etc.).
- Update or delete their own medicines in the inventory.
Sales & Revenue Tracking:
- View total sales revenue for their own products.
- Track payment status (Pending, Paid) for each transaction.
Advertisement Request:
- Submit requests to feature their medicines in the homepage slider.
- Provide medicine details and images for the advertisement.
Payment History:
- View payment history for all sold medicines.
- See transaction status and pending payments.
Product Browsing & Search:
- Browse medicines by category, price, and discounts.
- Use search and filter options to easily find products.
Medicine Details:
- View detailed information of each medicine, including price, description, and images.
- Add products to the cart for checkout.
Cart Management:
- Add, remove, or modify the quantity of products in the cart.
- Proceed to checkout and make payments via Stripe.
Order & Payment History:
- View past order details, including status (Pending, Paid).
- Generate invoices for completed purchases.
Profile & Authentication:
- Manage personal information like username, email, and profile picture.
- Secure login and registration with role-based access.
Database Management:
- MongoDB is used to store user data, products, orders, and payments.
- Models are created for users, medicines, categories, orders, and payments.
Order & Payment System:
- Stripe integration for seamless online payment.
- Track order status and payment confirmation.
Environment Configuration:
- Sensitive data (MongoDB credentials, Firebase keys) are stored in a
file. - Separate configurations for local and production environments.
- Sensitive data (MongoDB credentials, Firebase keys) are stored in a
Security Best Practices:
- Token validation for private routes.
- CSRF and XSS protection strategies.
Error Handling & Notifications:
- Use of SweetAlert or Toast notifications for successful operations and error messages.
- Centralized error-handling middleware to capture and handle errors.
- Server Framework: Express.js
- Database: MongoDB
- Authentication: JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
- Payment Management: Stripe
- Environment Management: dotenv
- Middleware: CORS
Returns a success message to verify the server is running.
GET /banner
Fetches all the dynamic banner sllider for hero. -
GET /banners/discounted
Get all the medicines which has dicount to show discount sliders dynamically. -
GET /medicines-count
Get all the filtered medicines count. -
GET /public/categoris
Get all the categories added by admin from dashboard.
POST /jwt
Generates a JWT token for secure data transmission and sets it in a cookie. -
POST /user
Create user on Database after getting successfully created on firebase.
GET /medicines
Fetches all medicines based on query parameters (category
). -
GET /medicines/categories
Fetches all unique medicines categories.
GET /carts/:email
Fetches carts items for a specific user. -
PATCH /carts/:id
Update a specific cart item by ID. -
POST /carts
Saves a new cart item to the database. -
DELETE /carts/:id
Delete a specific cart item by id. -
DELETE /tutors/:id
Deletes a specific tutor by ID. -
DELETE /clear/carts/:email
Delete all carts item from a specific user.
POST /create-payment-intent
Create client secret which is basically used to cut balance from user's wallet.
POST /orders
Saves a new order to the database after successfully payment via stripe.
GET /invoice/:id
Get a specific invoice details via invoice id which is basically transaction id from stripe.
GET /admin-stats
Get admin stats data with aggregate to visualize with chart. -
GET /users/:email
Get all users data execpt admin who logged in and requested. -
PATCH /users/:id/:role
Update a specific user's role based on id. -
GET /categories
Get all categories to manage them. -
POST /categories
Add a category to the Database form dashboard -
PUT /categories/:id
Update a specific categories by their id. -
DELETE /categories/:id
Delete specific category. -
PATCH /payments/:id
Update payments status. pending topaid
. -
PATCH /banners/:id
Update Banners status. requested toadded
. -
GET /sales-report
Generate custom sales report with aggregation.
GET /seller/stats/:email
Get seller stats data with aggregate to visualize with chart. -
GET /seller/medicines/:email
Get seller's specific medicine data. -
GET /seller/payments/:email
Get seller payments infos with custom aggregate. -
POST /medicines
Save new medicine to the Database. -
GET /seller/avertisements/:email
Get seller's requested advertisements for adding to the slide and their status. -
POST /banners
Request for adding banner to the slide.
GET /users/payments/:email
Get a specific user's payments history. -
GET /users/:email
Get a specific user's details from Database. -
PUT /users/:email
Update a specific user's details..
Secure JWT-based authentication and authorization for API access. -
Dynamic Queries:
Flexible query-based data retrieval for tutors and categories. -
Database Integration:
Robust interaction with MongoDB for efficient data storage and retrieval. -
Middleware Usage:
Cookie handling, CORS setup, and request validation for enhanced security and functionality.
The following dependencies are used in this project:
cors: ^2.8.5
Middleware to enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). -
dotenv: ^16.4.7
Loads environment variables from a.env
file intoprocess.env
. -
express: ^4.21.2
Fast, unopinionated web framework for Node.js. -
jsonwebtoken: ^9.0.2
JSON Web Token (JWT) for securely transmitting information between parties. -
mongodb: ^6.12.0
Official MongoDB driver for Node.js for data storage and retrieval. -
stripe: ^17.5.0
Integration with Stripe API for payment processing and related functionality.
- Clone the repository.
git clone
cd Pharmacare-Server
- Install Dependencies
npm install
- Setup Environment Variables
- create .env in the root directory.
- Add
variable and put your stripe secret token. - Add
variable and put your jwt secret token. - create a collection on mongodb atlas.
- Add
variable and add your database username and password.
- Run the application
npm run dev
- Access the app
- Open http://localhost:5000 in your browser.
- Hosted on Netlify or Vercel for a fast and reliable experience.
Contributions are welcome! Fork this repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.