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A Swift package that provides a convenient way to make tuples equatable in Swift 6 using parameter packs.


EquatableBox is a generic wrapper that allows you to compare tuples of any size, as long as all elements in the tuple conform to Equatable. This is particularly useful when you need to compare complex data structures or use tuples as keys in collections.


Swift Package Manager

Add the following to your Package.swift file:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")


Basic Usage

import EquatableBox

// Create EquatableBox instances with tuples
let box1 = EquatableBox(1, "hello")
let box2 = EquatableBox(1, "hello")
let box3 = EquatableBox(2, "hello")

// Compare them
box1 == box2 // true
box1 != box3 // true

With Multiple Elements

let complexBox1 = EquatableBox(1, "test", true, 3.14)
let complexBox2 = EquatableBox(1, "test", true, 3.14)
let complexBox3 = EquatableBox(1, "test", false, 3.14)

complexBox1 == complexBox2 // true
complexBox1 != complexBox3 // true

With Custom Types

struct Person: Equatable {
    let name: String
    let age: Int

let person1 = Person(name: "Tanaka", age: 30)
let person2 = Person(name: "Tanaka", age: 30)
let person3 = Person(name: "Sato", age: 25)

let box1 = EquatableBox(person1, 42)
let box2 = EquatableBox(person2, 42)
let box3 = EquatableBox(person3, 42)

box1 == box2 // true
box1 != box3 // true

With Optional Values

let box1 = EquatableBox(1, "hello", nil as Int?)
let box2 = EquatableBox(1, "hello", nil as Int?)
let box3 = EquatableBox(1, "hello", 42 as Int?)

box1 == box2 // true
box1 != box3 // true

Practical Use Cases

Using in Arrays

let boxes = [
    EquatableBox(1, "one"),
    EquatableBox(2, "two"),
    EquatableBox(3, "three"),
    EquatableBox(1, "one") // Duplicate value

// Using with contains method
boxes.contains(EquatableBox(2, "two")) // true
boxes.contains(EquatableBox(4, "four")) // false

// Using with filter method
let filtered = boxes.filter { $0 == EquatableBox(1, "one") }
filtered.count // 2

As Composite Keys

struct CompositeKey {
    let userId: String
    let itemId: Int
    // Using EquatableBox to determine equality
    func isEqual(to other: CompositeKey) -> Bool {
        let box1 = EquatableBox(userId, itemId)
        let box2 = EquatableBox(other.userId, other.itemId)
        return box1 == box2

let key1 = CompositeKey(userId: "user1", itemId: 100)
let key2 = CompositeKey(userId: "user1", itemId: 100)
key1.isEqual(to: key2) // true

In Complex Data Structures

struct DataPoint {
    let timestamp: TimeInterval
    let values: EquatableBox<(Int, String, Bool)>
    init(timestamp: TimeInterval, value1: Int, value2: String, value3: Bool) {
        self.timestamp = timestamp
        self.values = EquatableBox(value1, value2, value3)
    func hasSameValues(as other: DataPoint) -> Bool {
        return values == other.values

let point1 = DataPoint(timestamp: 1000, value1: 42, value2: "data", value3: true)
let point2 = DataPoint(timestamp: 2000, value1: 42, value2: "data", value3: true)
point1.hasSameValues(as: point2) // true


  • EquatableBox does not conform to Hashable, so it cannot be used as a key in dictionaries or sets directly.
  • This package requires Swift 6's parameter pack feature.


This package is available under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the LICENSE file for more info.