- minilibx (graphical library based on X11 used in 42);
To sucesfully compile the programs you should initialize the submodules of this repository, then run the configure program inside of the minilinx folder. - libft (1.2.1);
This repository is my first graphical exploration; created as the repository for the fdf project of the 42 curriculun, you can compile and run it and other programs:
fdf; (on branch fdf)
This program will receive one parameter which will be a .fdf file representing a map already parsed such as:1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4
0 0 1 2 3
0 0 0 1 2
0 0 0 0 1The program will project the map in a isometric view, taking its x and y position from its lireal positions on the grid, and its z postion based on the number described; aditionally, each position on the map can specify a color in the format "1,0xFFFFFF", if no color is specified, white will be used as a default; colors are lerped between points on the map.
there are test maps available for test, or they can be created manually, note that a valid map has the same ammount of collumns and rows.
note: fdf utilized legacy functions so it can only be conpiled and run on the 'fdf' branch. -
This program will receive three parameters: [screen width] [screen height] [starting cells]; utilizing the minilibx, the program will open a screen and project on the screen [starting cells] pixels on random positions, then, start to update the screen seeing each pixel as a cell to behave according to Conway's Game of Life rules.
know bug: The wireframe structure from libft 1.2.1 have a left-right adjacency issue, causing cells to multiply rapidly when reaching the right side of the screen. -
This program will project onto a window the butterfly formula, drawing it slowly. -
This is a simple test program which will open perlin noise pattern screens.