Small linked list library.
make dllist_test rule to test all functions of the library.
double linked list:
dll_new_node; allocates memory for a new node of the list, initializes all elements, setting value to input value and prev/next to NULL;
returns the allocated memory, or NULL if allocation fails;added: 0.0.0 (04/10/23);
last updated: 0.0.0 (04/10/23); -
create and returns the head for a list of size n.
n being the amount of values received.
If allocation of any node fails it clears the list and returns NULL;
the list starts at the first element sent, and ends at the last one;added: 0.0.0 (04/10/23);
last updated: 0.0.0 (04/10/23); -
create and returns the head for a list of size n.
n being amount of values received.
If allocation of any node fails it clears the list and returns NULL;
the list starts at the last element sent, and ends at the first one;added: 0.0.0 (04/10/23);
last updated: 0.0.0 (04/10/23); -
frees the memory for every node on the list.
set the head of the list to NULL;added: 0.0.0 (04/10/23);
last updated: 0.0.0 (04/10/23); -
adds a new node at the back of the list, the new node becomes the back of the list.
returns 0 if allocation of new node fails.added: 0.0.0 (04/10/23);
last updated: 0.0.0 (04/10/23); -
adds a new node at the front of the list, the new node becomes the front of the list.
returns 0 if allocation of new node fails.added: 0.0.0 (04/10/23);
last updated: 0.0.0 (04/10/23); -
dll_fnd_back; returns a pointer to the back of the list.
added: 0.0.0 (04/10/23);
last updated: 0.0.0 (04/10/23); -
dll_putlist_fd; puts all contents of the list to specified fd.
receives as a parameter a char that specifies how to treat the values of each node.- c = char;
- s = string;
- i = int;
if content_type is any other char an error message will be displayed, if the list is empty, nothing will be displayed.
added: 0.0.0 (04/10/23);
last updated: 0.0.1 (04/10/23);