This unlocks debug mode cheats for The Sims 1 Legacy Collection. Click here for a list of cheats available:
- Steam version of Sims 1 Legacy Collection
- EA app customers can try this program but start from step 8 in How to Patch
Video instructions:
- Download Steamless
- Extract .zip and run Steamless.exe
- Select Sims.exe to unpack
- Click Unpack File
- Close Steamless
- Optionally rename Sims.exe to Sims.exe.bak
- Rename Sims.unpacked.exe to Sims.exe so when you run Sims from Steam, it chooses the correct Sims.exe
- Download the latest Sims1-Legacy-Collection-Debug-Cheat-Unlocker
- Unzip the archive
- Run Sims1-Legacy-Collection-Debug-Cheat-Unlocker.exe
- Select the unpacked Sims.exe which should be Sims.exe at this point
- Click Patch
- Install Bottles or whatever to run Windows applications.
- Create a bottle to run Steamless
- Configure the bottle to show dotfiles
- Run Steamless within the created bottle
Video instructions:
Run Steamless with Kegworks Winery, Codeweavers Crossover, or Whiskey
Before step 10 run this command in terminal. Change the path to match new versions:
sudo xattr -r -d ~/Downloads/Sims1-LC-Debug-Cheat-Unlocker.1.0.2+macOS.x64
If the Patch button is grayed out, it means the program could not find the proper data to modify. Make sure you ran Steamless beforehand.
- Run Sims1-Legacy-Collection-Debug-Cheat-Unlocker.exe
- Select your Sims.exe
- Click UnPatch
A portion of the Sims.exe provided by Steam is encrypted/packed which makes patching difficult or impossible. Steamless decrypts this data and allows for mod authors/hackers to tinker with the executable.
In the future I'll see if I can unpack the Sims.exe myself without Steamless.
You need .NET 9 SDK to build.
git clone
cd The-Sims1-Legacy-Collection-Cheat-Unlocker
dotnet publish Sims1-Legacy-Collection-Debug-Cheat-Unlocker/Sims1-Legacy-Collection-Debug-Cheat-Unlocker.csproj -c Release -o artifacts -p:VersionPrefix=${{ env.PACK_VER }} -p:PublishSingleFile=true -p:SelfContained=true -p:DebugType=embedded -p:IncludeNativeLibrariesForSelfExtract=true -p:EnableCompressionInSingleFile=true -p:PublishTrimmed=true -p:RuntimeIdentifier=win-x64
The executable is in the bin folder.