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IThundxr committed Aug 24, 2024
1 parent c4c0cd8 commit ddec7f6
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Showing 2 changed files with 106 additions and 140 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Objects;
Expand All @@ -19,7 +18,7 @@

import io.github.fabricators_of_create.porting_lib.gametest.infrastructure.CustomGameTestHelper;
//import io.github.fabricators_of_create.porting_lib.gametest.infrastructure.ExtendedTestFunction;
import io.github.fabricators_of_create.porting_lib.gametest.infrastructure.ExtendedTestFunction;
import io.github.fabricators_of_create.porting_lib.gametest.infrastructure.GameTestGroup;
import io.github.fabricators_of_create.porting_lib.gametest.quickexport.AreaSelectorItem;
import io.github.fabricators_of_create.porting_lib.gametest.quickexport.QuickExportCommand;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -51,15 +50,13 @@ public void onInitialize() {
* of {@link CustomGameTestHelper} and {@link GameTestGroup}.
public static Collection<TestFunction> getTestsFrom(Class<?>... classes) {
return Collections.emptyList();
// fixme port me :plead:
// return Stream.of(classes)
// .map(Class::getDeclaredMethods)
// .flatMap(Stream::of)
// .map(ExtendedTestFunction::of)
// .filter(Objects::nonNull)
// .sorted(Comparator.comparing(TestFunction::testName))
// .toList();
return Stream.of(classes)

private static boolean checkEnabled() {
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
package io.github.fabricators_of_create.porting_lib.gametest.infrastructure;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.UnaryOperator;

import org.jetbrains.annotations.ApiStatus.Internal;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
Expand All @@ -19,134 +17,105 @@
import net.minecraft.gametest.framework.GameTest;
import net.minecraft.gametest.framework.GameTestGenerator;
import net.minecraft.gametest.framework.GameTestHelper;
import net.minecraft.gametest.framework.GameTestInfo;
import net.minecraft.gametest.framework.StructureUtils;
import net.minecraft.gametest.framework.TestFunction;

// fixme port me :plead:
// * An extension to game tests implementing functionality for {@link CustomGameTestHelper} and {@link GameTestGroup}.
// * To use, create a {@link GameTestGenerator} that provides tests using {@link PortingLibGameTest#getTestsFrom(Class[])}.
// */
//public class ExtendedTestFunction extends TestFunction {
// @Internal
// public static final Map<String, ExtendedTestFunction> NAMES_TO_FUNCTIONS = new HashMap<>();
// public final String fullyQualifiedName;
// public final String simpleName;
// private final UnaryOperator<GameTestHelper> helperProcessor;
// protected ExtendedTestFunction(String fullyQualifiedName, String simpleName, UnaryOperator<GameTestHelper> helperProcessor, String pBatchName,
// String pTestName, String pStructureName, Rotation pRotation, int pMaxTicks, long pSetupTicks,
// boolean pRequired, int pRequiredSuccesses, int pMaxAttempts, Consumer<GameTestHelper> pFunction) {
// super(pBatchName, pTestName, pStructureName, pRotation, pMaxTicks, pSetupTicks, pRequired, pRequiredSuccesses, pMaxAttempts, pFunction);
// this.fullyQualifiedName = fullyQualifiedName;
// this.simpleName = simpleName;
// NAMES_TO_FUNCTIONS.put(fullyQualifiedName, this);
// this.helperProcessor = helperProcessor;
// }
// @Override
// @NotNull
// public String getTestName() {
// return simpleName;
// }
// @Nullable
// public static TestFunction of(Method method) {
// GameTest gt = method.getAnnotation(GameTest.class);
// if (gt == null) // skip non-test methods
// return null;
// Class<?> owner = method.getDeclaringClass();
// String qualifiedName = owner.getSimpleName() + "." + method.getName();
// CustomGameTestHelper customHelper = getCustomHelper(method, owner);
// validateTestMethod(method, gt, owner, customHelper, qualifiedName);
// UnaryOperator<GameTestHelper> helperProcessor = getHelperProcessor(customHelper);
// String structure = getStructure(gt, owner);
// Rotation rotation = StructureUtils.getRotationForRotationSteps(gt.rotationSteps());
// String fullName = owner.getName() + '.' + method.getName();
// String simpleName = owner.getSimpleName() + '.' + method.getName();
// return new ExtendedTestFunction(
// // use structure for test name since that's what MC fills structure blocks with for some reason
// fullName, simpleName, helperProcessor, gt.batch(), structure, structure, rotation, gt.timeoutTicks(),
// gt.setupTicks(), gt.required(), gt.requiredSuccesses(), gt.attempts(), asConsumer(method)
// );
// }
// private static void validateTestMethod(Method method, GameTest gt, Class<?> owner, CustomGameTestHelper customHelper, String qualifiedName) {
// if (gt.template().isEmpty())
// throw new IllegalArgumentException(qualifiedName + " must provide a template structure");
// int modifiers = method.getModifiers();
// if (!Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) || !Modifier.isPublic(modifiers))
// throw new IllegalArgumentException(qualifiedName + " must be public and static");
// if (!Modifier.isPublic(owner.getModifiers()))
// throw new IllegalStateException(owner.getName() + " must be public");
// if (method.getReturnType() != void.class)
// throw new IllegalArgumentException(qualifiedName + " must return void");
// Class<? extends GameTestHelper> helperClass = customHelper != null ? customHelper.value() : GameTestHelper.class;
// if (method.getParameterCount() != 1 || method.getParameterTypes()[0] != helperClass)
// throw new IllegalArgumentException(qualifiedName + " must take 1 parameter of type " + helperClass.getSimpleName());
// }
// private static String getStructure(GameTest gt, Class<?> owner) {
// GameTestGroup group = owner.getAnnotation(GameTestGroup.class);
// String structure = gt.template();
// if (group == null || structure.contains(":")) // override group if a full ID
// return structure;
// String groupDir = group.path();
// String path = groupDir.isEmpty() ? structure : groupDir + '/' + structure;
// // namespace:gametest/path/structure || namespace:gametest/structure
// return group.namespace() + ":gametest/" + path;
// }
// private static CustomGameTestHelper getCustomHelper(Method method, Class<?> owner) {
// CustomGameTestHelper methodCustom = method.getAnnotation(CustomGameTestHelper.class);
// return methodCustom != null ? methodCustom : owner.getAnnotation(CustomGameTestHelper.class);
// }
// private static UnaryOperator<GameTestHelper> getHelperProcessor(CustomGameTestHelper custom) {
// if (custom == null)
// return helper -> helper;
// Class<? extends GameTestHelper> klass = custom.value();
// try {
// Constructor<? extends GameTestHelper> constructor = klass.getConstructor(GameTestInfo.class);
// constructor.setAccessible(true);
// return helper -> {
// try {
// GameTestHelper newHelper = constructor.newInstance(helper.testInfo);
// newHelper.finalCheckAdded = helper.finalCheckAdded;
// return newHelper;
// } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) {
// throw new RuntimeException(e);
// }
// };
// } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
// throw new RuntimeException(e);
// }
// }
// private static Consumer<GameTestHelper> asConsumer(Method method) {
// return (helper) -> {
// try {
// method.invoke(null, helper);
// } catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) {
// throw new RuntimeException(e);
// }
// };
// }
// @Override
// public void run(@NotNull GameTestHelper helper) {
// // give structure block test info for runthis
// StructureBlockEntityExtensions be = (StructureBlockEntityExtensions) helper.getBlockEntity(BlockPos.ZERO);
// be.setQualifiedTestName(fullyQualifiedName);
// }
* An extension to game tests implementing functionality for {@link CustomGameTestHelper} and {@link GameTestGroup}.
* To use, create a {@link GameTestGenerator} that provides tests using {@link PortingLibGameTest#getTestsFrom(Class[])}.
public class ExtendedTestFunction {
public static final Map<String, ExtendedTestFunction> NAMES_TO_FUNCTIONS = new HashMap<>();

public final String fullName;
public final String simpleName;
public final TestFunction testFunction;

protected ExtendedTestFunction(String fullName, String simpleName, String pBatchName,
String pStructureName, Rotation pRotation, int pMaxTicks, long pSetupTicks,
boolean pRequired, int pMaxAttempts, int pRequiredSuccesses, Consumer<GameTestHelper> pFunction) {
testFunction = new TestFunction(pBatchName, simpleName, pStructureName, pRotation, pMaxTicks, pSetupTicks, pRequired, false, pMaxAttempts, pRequiredSuccesses, true, pFunction);
this.fullName = fullName;
this.simpleName = simpleName;
NAMES_TO_FUNCTIONS.put(fullName, this);

public static TestFunction of(Method method) {
GameTest gt = method.getAnnotation(GameTest.class);
if (gt == null) // skip non-test methods
return null;
Class<?> owner = method.getDeclaringClass();
String qualifiedName = owner.getSimpleName() + "." + method.getName();
CustomGameTestHelper customHelper = getCustomHelper(method, owner);
validateTestMethod(method, gt, owner, customHelper, qualifiedName);

String structure = getStructure(gt, owner);
Rotation rotation = StructureUtils.getRotationForRotationSteps(gt.rotationSteps());

String fullName = owner.getName() + '.' + method.getName();
String simpleName = owner.getSimpleName() + '.' + method.getName();
return new ExtendedTestFunction(
// use structure for test name since that's what MC fills structure blocks with for some reason
fullName, simpleName, gt.batch(), structure, rotation, gt.timeoutTicks(), gt.setupTicks(),
gt.required(), gt.attempts(), gt.requiredSuccesses(), run(fullName, asConsumer(method))

private static void validateTestMethod(Method method, GameTest gt, Class<?> owner, CustomGameTestHelper customHelper, String qualifiedName) {
if (gt.template().isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(qualifiedName + " must provide a template structure");

int modifiers = method.getModifiers();
if (!Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) || !Modifier.isPublic(modifiers))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(qualifiedName + " must be public and static");

if (!Modifier.isPublic(owner.getModifiers()))
throw new IllegalStateException(owner.getName() + " must be public");

if (method.getReturnType() != void.class)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(qualifiedName + " must return void");

Class<? extends GameTestHelper> helperClass = customHelper != null ? customHelper.value() : GameTestHelper.class;
if (method.getParameterCount() != 1 || method.getParameterTypes()[0] != helperClass)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(qualifiedName + " must take 1 parameter of type " + helperClass.getSimpleName());

private static String getStructure(GameTest gt, Class<?> owner) {
GameTestGroup group = owner.getAnnotation(GameTestGroup.class);
String structure = gt.template();
if (group == null || structure.contains(":")) // override group if a full ID
return structure;
String groupDir = group.path();
String path = groupDir.isEmpty() ? structure : groupDir + '/' + structure;
// namespace:gametest/path/structure || namespace:gametest/structure
return group.namespace() + ":gametest/" + path;

private static CustomGameTestHelper getCustomHelper(Method method, Class<?> owner) {
CustomGameTestHelper methodCustom = method.getAnnotation(CustomGameTestHelper.class);
return methodCustom != null ? methodCustom : owner.getAnnotation(CustomGameTestHelper.class);

private static Consumer<GameTestHelper> asConsumer(Method method) {
return (helper) -> {
try {
method.invoke(null, helper);
} catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);

public static Consumer<GameTestHelper> run(String fullName, @NotNull Consumer<GameTestHelper> helper) {
return consumer -> {
helper.andThen(gameTestHelper -> {
// give structure block test info
StructureBlockEntityExtensions be = (StructureBlockEntityExtensions) gameTestHelper.getBlockEntity(BlockPos.ZERO);

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