git clone [email protected]:FACN7/wajjbat-frontend.git
cd wajjbat-frontend
npm i
npm start
As a user of any type, I want to come to home page, see a list of businesses close to me, and top rated businesses (Medium - both teams)
- Fetch user's location with their approval, and get closest businesses, send to backend & retrieve closest businesses
- Fetch top rated buinesses
- A home page displaying list of closest businesses, and top rated businesses, which matches design
As a user of any type, I want to switch between Arabic & English (Medium - FE team)
- Button on navbar to switch
- Update the written content based on language
- Update the layout (RtL for Arabic, LtR for English)
As a user, I can sign-up/login to the app with a Facebook/Gmail account (FE - small, BE - large)
- Required details:
- First name (required)
- Last name (required)
- E-mail (Required and unique)
- Tel. number (optional)
- Possible profile pic from FB
- Default profile picture
- /signup, /signin, /logout routes
- Store users in DB
- Required details:
As a user, I want to click on a buinesses and be taken to a buinesses profile page where I can see important details (Medium - Both teams)
- Make list items links that take you to business profile page
- Fetch and display (according to design):
- carousel of Business images,
- buisness details,
- google map location
- reviews
As a logged in user, I want to submit a review of a business on the business's profile page (FE - small, BD - medium)
- Check if user is logged in
- If they are, allow user to write / submit a review
- Create BE route for POSTing reviews
- Save reviews in DB
- Check if user is logged in
Stretch goals
- BE team
- Research deploy with AWS
- Research image hosting with AWS S3
- BE team
As a user, I want to search/filter businesses for what I want (Medium - FE team)
- Sort by Ratings.
- Filter by price range.
- Filter by business type.
- Filter by cuisine (stretch)
As a logged-in user, I want to submit an application to register a new business
- Navigate to new business form with navbar
- Check if user is logged in before showing form
- Required details:
- Business name (Required)
- Business type - dropdown for Restaurant/Bar/Candy shop/ Café / Hookah bar/ other. (Is this required?)
- Street, City, Country, zip code- (Required).
- Placing the business on google maps- adding a business should be integrated with google maps- (Required)
- Business email- Optional.
- Adding price range- Optional.
- Adding opening hours- Optional
- Adding Cuisines categories- Optional.
- Business features categories: parking, free Wi-Fi, private room, smoking area, etc. Checkboxes (optional)
- Accept orders by phone (Yes/No) - optional.
- Reservations by phone (Yes/No) - optional.
- Uploading/linking business photos- optional.
- Facebook page- optional.
- Website- optional.
- /register-business endpoint
- Store business in database (field for admin-approval)
- Once registered, user will be redirected to home page
As an admin-user, I want to have control over all users and business (with a CRM on a different website)
- View list of all buisnesses and users, with search & filter
- Profile page for each business / user with details (stretch)
- View new business applications, and approve or deny
- Blocking user accounts (stretch)
As a user, I want to upload a profile picture
- 50 x 50px
As a logged-in user, I want to view my profile
- Navigate to user profile using navbar
- Fetch and display (according to design):
- Profile pic (use placeholder if none present)
- Full name
- User's reviews
- Can anyone view?
- Front-End
- Hosen
- Omri
- Faris
- Back-End
- Moshe
- Mohammed