A collection of questions, exercises and resources to help students prepare for interviews
Useful websites to search:
- GlassDoor
- Indeed
- Facebook no-experience Developer group
- Obvious advice, but make sure you try googling 'Junior Web Developer jobs in Israel', and go through the first few pages of results. New websites and listings pop up all the time!
- Search for tech companies you like, go on their websites and look for the Jobs sections (usually at the bottom of the page). Here they often list any open positions.
If they ask you upfront about salary:
- Try to have done some research beforehand about the company and how much they pay. This information is often available - just try Googling
- Turn the question back on them - ask how much they typically pay junior developers? ask if you can give them an answer after you've met them and done an interview (you can say your salary expectations will be in industry standard range for a junior developer)
- If you have to give a number - According to Shireen, the industry standard is 14-16k, or 12-14k for smaller companies. Never go lower than 11k. Also make sure you talk to Shireen and Dana for advice when negotiating a salary.
- Cracking the Coding Interview (pdf available here)
- Coding Interview Bootcamp - Algorithms and Data Structures on Udemy (Very good course! Taught in JS)
- CS50 - A free online Computer Science intro course from Harvard university
- Rithm School Computer Science Fundamentals with JavaScript - free course teaching BigO notation, data structures and search/sort algorithms.
- Rithm School Terminal and UNIX - free course with advanced terminal BASH commands
- Code signal - fun website with technical challenges for preparing for interviews.
- Data structures in JS