Link to Heroku
You can clone the repo by typing the command
> git clone
> cd fakebook
> npm i
> google-chrome index.html
As a member of fakebook blog...
You can see your posts and all posts that had been written by other users
you can add,edit and delete a post
- Set up project architecture
- Set up a server
- Set up a database(2 tables => users & posts) in heruko
- Set up a local testing database
- Host the site on Heroku incl database
- Display the list of posts from database to the browser
- registering new user store it on database
- login users
- Add a post on client side and store it on database
- Edit a post on client side and update it on database
- Delete a post on client side and remove it from database
Stretch goals:
- Autocomplete
- Several reservations per book
- Codecov and Travis
- POST and GET requests to the server on a project with a database
- Made it working with XMLHttpRequest method
- Hosting a DB on Heroku
- Protected out inputs against script injections