Its been 30 Years of Barcode use in Business through UPC (Universal Product Code), and no significant changes have been seen in the industry. People still use a PC and a software, along with Laser Barcode Scanner, or fancy cameras if they want to set up their business digitally. That is people who can afford these or have an absolute need for it. Small Business owners who would suffer loss if they start paying for the set-up are never offered a digital helping hand.
In this era of Mobile phones when a small screen in our hand has the processing power to achieve virtually anything. We present we present "Shooper" App. This is designed to be simple and smooth. This easy to learn and navigate application, helps shopkeepers to manage Stock and cover billing all in one app. This app is specifically designed for Small Business Owners of India. It is an initiative toward Hon' Prime Minister's Aatma Nirbhar Bhaarat Yojna. Through this app we hope to provide power to Small and independent Shop Owners of India.
This app scans barcodes of products and can easily manage the shop items for you. It has buy/sell functionalities that automatically adds and deducts the products from the item list
- Flutter
- Firebase