This directory is designed for the ROS implementation of Construction Robotics.
ROS Tracer Setup
- Start ROS Core service
- Source the right ROS setup.bash
cd devel source setup.bash
- First time use tracer-ros package
rosrun tracer_bringup setup_can2usb.bash
- Not the first time use tracer-ros package
rosrun tracer_bringup bringup_can2usb.bash
- Start the base node for the robot within CAN
roslaunch tracer_bringup tracer_robot_base.launch
- Start keyboard control
roslaunch tracer_bringup tracer_teleop_keyboard.launch
IMU Module Setup
- Check USB Port
ls -l /dev/ttyUSB*
- Authorize usage of the port
sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyUSB0
- Start the node service
roslaunch fdilink_ahrs ahrs_data.launch
- Essential data packages
Detail reference can be seen within the Imu class of sensor_msgs.msg