The Endstar SDK allows you to use Unity to create custom props and terrain for use in Endstar.
After creating the terrain or props you can export them to the cloud and then use them in Endstar. You can even share them with others.
While there a number of ways to install the Endstar SDK, we highly recommend the Guided installation section.
No matter how you install it, utilizing Unity 2022.3.28f1 is required, and you need to install the following modules: Android Build Support, iOS Build Support, Linux Build Support (Mono), Mac Build Support (Mono) and Windows Build Support (IL2PCC).
Follow the guide under the Making Terrain for a guided installation. The SDK handles both terrain and prop creation. We're working on transitioning away from the PDF and into a guide here!
Download the SDK starter project directly here.
You can add this package directly to a Unity project by adding this git URL via Unity's Package Manager:
Check out our PDF guide here: Terrain Making Guide
Guide incoming soon!
After exporting a prop to Endstar, you can use the in game tools to write custom Lua code to create new behaviors!