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Write and use FETCH_HEAD (#7)
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This PR makes a big change to how the RemoteGitIndex performs fetches
(and clones) and subsequently reads blobs, to resolve issues discovered
while doing obi1kenobi/cargo-semver-checks#506

Previously when performing a fetch, we also updated references so that
HEAD pointed at the same commit as the remote HEAD. This works fine in
local operation and in tests, but had a drawback, namely

Error: Failed to update references to their new position to match their remote locations

Caused by:
    0: The reflog could not be created or updated
    1: reflog messages need a committer which isn't set

can occur in CI environments. My attempts to fix this...failed
(configuring a committer name + email before editing references).

Then I noticed frewsxcv/rust-crates-index#129 just way better than that previous approach since we don't
need to edit references any longer just to be able to use
`repo.head_commit` for reading blobs, but rather just store the remote
HEAD when opening/fetching and retrieving the tree to lookup blobs from
that, sidestepping the whole issue with updating references.

There is a big difference between that PR though, in that this PR also
adds a function (`crate::utils::git::write_fetch_head`) to actually
write a FETCH_HEAD _similarly_ to how cargo, via git or libgit2 writes
FETCH_HEAD when performing a fetch on an index.

This was done for 2 reasons:

1. Performing a fetch of an index via this crate will now update the
index repository the same as cargo would, which makes this play nicer
with cargo and thus the wider ecosystem
2. I had already done (a slightly worse) version of writing a FETCH_HEAD
because, AFAIK, retrieving the timestamp of the FETCH_HEAD file is by
far the [most/only
way to determine when a fetch was last performed on a repository. The
reason this was important for cargo deny is that it fetches advisory
databases, but can decide _not_ to fetch them if the user doesn't want
to perform network calls, however if they _never_ fetch from the remote
advisory db they run the risk of mistakenly thinking everything is fine
even if they have crate dependencies that have active advisories that
were added/modified since the last time they fetched. So until `gix`
adds support for writing FETCH_HEAD (which I think is planned, but
couldn't find it), making this function public allows cargo-deny or
others to also have a (simple, definitely not git/libgit2 compliant) way
to write a FETCH_HEAD with gix.
  • Loading branch information
Jake-Shadle authored Jul 28, 2023
1 parent 3a335ef commit ee8c0d8
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## [Unreleased] - ReleaseDate
### Fixed
- [PR#7]( fixed an issue where `RemoteGitIndex::fetch` could fail in environments where the git committer was not configured.

### Changed
- [PR#7]( change how `RemoteGitIndex` looks up blobs. Previously fetching would actually update references, now however we write a `FETCH_HEAD` similarly to git/libgit2, and uses that (or other) reference to find the commit to use, rather than updating the HEAD to point to the same commit as the remote HEAD.

## [0.2.3] - 2023-07-26
### Fixed
- [PR#6]( fixed two bugs with git registries.
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Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ use std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool;
pub struct RemoteGitIndex {
index: GitIndex,
repo: gix::Repository,
head_commit: gix::ObjectId,

const DIR: gix::remote::Direction = gix::remote::Direction::Fetch;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -93,28 +94,42 @@ impl RemoteGitIndex {
.or_else(|| gix::open_opts(&index.cache.path, open_with_complete_config).ok());

let repo = if let Some(repo) = repo {
let res = if let Some(repo) = repo {
(repo, None)
} else {
let (repo, _out) = gix::prepare_clone_bare(index.url.as_str(), &index.cache.path)
let (repo, out) = gix::prepare_clone_bare(index.url.as_str(), &index.cache.path)
.configure_remote(|remote| {
Ok(remote.with_refspecs(["+HEAD:refs/remotes/origin/HEAD"], DIR)?)
.fetch_only(progress, should_interrupt)?;

(repo, Some(out))


let mut repo = open_or_clone_repo()?;
let (mut repo, fetch_outcome) = open_or_clone_repo()?;

if let Some(fetch_outcome) = fetch_outcome {

repo.object_cache_size_if_unset(4 * 1024 * 1024);

Self::set_head(&mut index, &repo)?;
let head_commit = Self::set_head(&mut index, &repo)?;

Ok(Self { repo, index })
Ok(Self {

/// Gets the local index
Expand All @@ -139,15 +154,58 @@ impl RemoteGitIndex {
/// Sets the head commit in the wrapped index so that cache entries can be
/// properly filtered
fn set_head(index: &mut GitIndex, repo: &gix::Repository) -> Result<(), Error> {
let head = repo.head_commit().ok().map(|head| {
let gix::ObjectId::Sha1(sha1) =;
fn set_head(index: &mut GitIndex, repo: &gix::Repository) -> Result<gix::ObjectId, Error> {
let find_remote_head = || -> Result<gix::ObjectId, GitError> {
const CANDIDATE_REFS: &[&str] = &[
"FETCH_HEAD", /* the location with the most-recent updates, as written by git2 */
"origin/HEAD", /* typical refspecs update this symbolic ref to point to the actual remote ref with the fetched commit */
"origin/master", /* for good measure, resolve this branch by hand in case origin/HEAD is broken */
let mut candidates: Vec<_> = CANDIDATE_REFS
.filter_map(|(i, refname)| {
let ref_id = repo

let commit = ref_id.object().ok()?.try_into_commit().ok()?;
let commit_time = commit.time().ok()?.seconds;

Some((i,, commit_time))

// Sort from oldest to newest, the last one will be the best reference
// we could reasonably locate, and since we are on second resolution,
// prefer the ordering of candidates if times are equal.
// This allows FETCH_HEAD to be authoritative, unless one of the other
// references is more up to date, which can occur in (at least) 2 scenarios:
// 1. The repo is a fresh clone by cargo either via git or libgit2,
// neither of which write FETCH_HEAD during clone
// 2. A fetch was performed by an external crate/program to cargo or
// ourselves that didn't update FETCH_HEAD
candidates.sort_by(|a, b| match a.2.cmp(&b.2) {
std::cmp::Ordering::Equal => b.0.cmp(&a.0),
o => o,

// get the most recent commit, the one with most time passed since unix epoch.
.ok_or_else(|| GitError::UnableToFindRemoteHead)?

let gix::ObjectId::Sha1(sha1) = find_remote_head()?;


/// Attempts to read the specified crate's index metadata
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -182,7 +240,12 @@ impl RemoteGitIndex {

fn read_blob(&self, path: &str) -> Result<Option<gix::ObjectDetached>, GitError> {
let tree = self.repo.head_commit()?.tree()?;
let tree = self

let mut buf = Vec::new();
let Some(entry) = tree.lookup_entry_by_path(path, &mut buf).map_err(|err| GitError::BlobLookup(Box::new(err)))? else { return Ok(None) };
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -253,117 +316,46 @@ impl RemoteGitIndex {
P: gix::Progress,
P::SubProgress: 'static,
let mut perform_fetch = || -> Result<(), GitError> {
let mut remote = self.repo.find_remote("origin").ok().unwrap_or_else(|| {
.expect("owned URL is always valid")

let remote_head = "refs/remotes/origin/HEAD";

.replace_refspecs(Some(format!("+HEAD:{remote_head}").as_str()), DIR)
.expect("valid statically known refspec");

// Perform the actual fetch
let fetch_response: gix::remote::fetch::Outcome = remote
.prepare_fetch(&mut progress, Default::default())
.receive(&mut progress, should_interrupt)?;

// Find the commit id of the remote's HEAD
let remote_head_id = fetch_response.ref_map.mappings.iter().find_map(|mapping| {
let gix::remote::fetch::Source::Ref(rref) = &mapping.remote else { return None; };

if mapping.local.as_deref()? != remote_head.as_bytes() {
return None;

let gix::protocol::handshake::Ref::Symbolic {
} = rref else { return None; };

(full_ref_name == "HEAD").then_some(*object)

use gix::refs::{transaction as tx, Target};

// In all (hopefully?) cases HEAD is a symbolic reference to
// refs/heads/<branch> which is a peeled commit id, if that's the case
// we update it to the new commit id, otherwise we just set HEAD
// directly
use gix::head::Kind;
let edit = match self.repo.head().map_err(Box::new)?.kind {
Kind::Symbolic(sref) => {
// Update our local HEAD to the remote HEAD
if let Target::Symbolic(name) = {
Some(tx::RefEdit {
change: tx::Change::Update {
log: tx::LogChange {
mode: tx::RefLog::AndReference,
force_create_reflog: false,
message: "".into(),
expected: tx::PreviousValue::MustExist,
new: gix::refs::Target::Peeled(remote_head_id),
deref: true,
} else {
Kind::Unborn(_) | Kind::Detached { .. } => None,
// We're updating the reflog which requires a committer be set, which might
// not be the case, particular in a CI environment, but also would default
// the the git config for the current directory/global, which on a normal
// user machine would show the user was the one who updated the database which
// is kind of misleading, so we just override the config for this operation

let mut config = self.repo.config_snapshot_mut();
.set_raw_value("committer", None, "name", "tame-index")
// Note we _have_ to set the email as well, but luckily gix does not actually
// validate if it's a proper email or not :)
.set_raw_value("committer", None, "email", "")

let repo = config
.map_err(|err| GitError::from(Box::new(err)))?;

let mut remote = repo.find_remote("origin").ok().unwrap_or_else(|| {
.expect("owned URL is always valid")

// We're updating the reflog which requires a committer be set, which might
// not be the case, particular in a CI environment, but also would default
// to the git config for the current directory/global, which on a normal
// user machine would show the user was the one who updated the database which
// is kind of misleading, so we just override the config for this operation
let repo = {
let mut config = self.repo.config_snapshot_mut();
config.set_raw_value("committer", None, "name", "tame-index")?;
// Note we _have_ to set the email as well, but luckily gix does not actually
// validate if it's a proper email or not :)
config.set_raw_value("committer", None, "email", "")?;


repo.edit_reference(edit.unwrap_or_else(|| tx::RefEdit {
change: tx::Change::Update {
log: tx::LogChange {
mode: tx::RefLog::AndReference,
force_create_reflog: false,
message: "".into(),
expected: tx::PreviousValue::Any,
new: gix::refs::Target::Peeled(remote_head_id),
name: "HEAD".try_into().unwrap(),
deref: true,
.replace_refspecs(Some("+HEAD:refs/remotes/origin/HEAD"), DIR)
.expect("valid statically known refspec");

// Sanity check that the local HEAD points to the same commit
// as the remote HEAD
if remote_head_id != self.repo.head_commit()?.id {
} else {
// Perform the actual fetch
let outcome = remote
.map_err(|err| GitError::from(Box::new(err)))?
.prepare_fetch(&mut progress, Default::default())
.map_err(|err| GitError::from(Box::new(err)))?
.receive(&mut progress, should_interrupt)

Self::set_head(&mut self.index, &self.repo)?;
crate::utils::git::write_fetch_head(&repo, &outcome, &remote)?;
self.head_commit = Self::set_head(&mut self.index, &repo)?;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -394,6 +386,8 @@ pub enum GitError {
Commit(#[from] gix::object::commit::Error),
InvalidObject(#[from] gix::object::try_into::Error),
ReferenceLookup(#[from] Box<gix::reference::find::existing::Error>),
BlobLookup(#[from] Box<gix::odb::find::existing::Error<gix::odb::store::find::Error>>),
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use crate::{Error, InvalidUrl, InvalidUrlError, PathBuf};

#[cfg(feature = "git")]
pub mod git;

/// Returns the storage directory (in utf-8) used by Cargo, often knowns as
/// `.cargo` or `CARGO_HOME`
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