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Pipe-All is an integrated high-throughput CPU-GPU CNN inference pipeline design for ARM-based Heterogeneous Multi-Processors System-on-Chips (HMPSoCs).


Details of Pipe-ALL can be found in our paper (pre-print), and please consider citing this paper in your work if you find this implementation useful in your research.

Ehsan Aghapour, Gayathri Ananthanarayanan, and Anuj Pathania. "Integrated ARM big. Little-Mali Pipeline for High-Throughput CNN Inference." TechRxiv.


Run the Pipe-all

We create the pipe-all for AlexNet, GoogleNet, MobileNet, ResNet50, and SqueezeNet graphs. The pipe-all versions of these graphs are graph_AlexNet_all_pipe_sync, graph_GoogleNet_all_pipe_sync, graph_MobileNet_all_pipe_sync, graph_ResNet50_all_pipe_sync, and graph_SqueezeNet_all_pipe_sync respectively.

git clone -b pipe-all

After compiling the source code and preparing the libraries based on your platform run the following command:

./graph_AlexNet_all_pip_sync --threads=4 --threads2=2 --total_cores=6 --partition_point=3 --partition_point2=5 --order=G-L-B --n=60 --image=data_dir/images/ --data=data_dir/ --labels=data_dir/label.txt

--threads: Number of threads for Big cluster.
--threads2: Number of threads for little cluster.
--total_cores: Number of all cores of CPU.
--partition_point: The first partitioning point. First partitioning will happen after layer specified with this argument.
--partition_point2: The second partitioning point. second partitioning will happen after layer specified with this argument.
--order: The order of components in the pipeline. (G:GPU, B:CPU Big cluster, L:CPU Little cluster). For example G-B-L order means first subgraph runs in GPU, Second subgraph runs in CPU Big cluster and third subgraph runs in CPU little cluster.
--n: Number or runs. For example 60 means running graph for 60 frames.

The following image, data and lablels should specified if you want to run the graph for real data. But if you want to run the network for dummy data (random data and image) do not specify this arguments:
--image: dir which include image files. graph will run for images inside this dir.
--data: dir of graph parameters.
--labels: label file

The following parts explain compiling and running ARMCL for android and linux platforms.

Compiling for Android

First it is required to prepare cross compile tools to compile source code in linux system for android target. Here is the steps to download and settup tools.

1- Download Android NDK:

2- We should create a standalone toolchains for compiling source code for android. Based on your platform set --arch to arm or arm64 in the following command. $corss-compile-dir is your arbitrary dir at which cross compile toolchains will be created.

$NDK/build/tools/ --arch arm/arm64 --api 23 --stl gnustl --install-dir $cross_compile_dir

This command create cross compile toolchains at $cross-compile-dir.

3- Add $cross-compile-dir/bin to the path:
export PATH=$cross-compile-dir/bin/:$PATH

4- Go to the ARMCL source dir (cd $ARMCL-source-dir) and use the following command to compile it. Based on your platform set arch to armv7a or arm64-v8a in this command.
CXX=clang++ CC=clang scons Werror=0 debug=0 asserts=0 neon=1 opencl=1 os=android arch=armv7a/arm64-v8a -j8

Compiling for linux

For cross compiling the source code in linux host for linux host you require:
gcc-linaro-6.3.1-2017.05-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf for 32 bit target
gcc-linaro-6.3.1-2017.05-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu for 64 bit target

Then use the following command to compile. Based on your platform set arch to armv7a or arm64-v8a in this command.
scons Werror=0 -j16 debug=0 asserts=0 neon=1 opencl=1 os=linux arch=armv7a/arm64-v8a

Running in Android

For android it is required to specify the path of First copy this library into an arbitrary dir ($lib_dir) and set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to this dir:
cp /system/lib64/egl/ $lib_dir/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$lib_dir

Now it is ready to run built binaries in build dir of ARMCL.

For AlexNet there is a zip file of model paramters, sample images and a label file. So you can run this graph for real data and see the results. For this purpose first download this zip file at:

make a directory and extract this zip file:
mkdir $assets_alexnet
unzip -d $assets_alexnet

Run the AlexNet graph with this command. Select NEON or CL to run it on CPU or GPU respectively:
./build/examples/graph_alexnet Neon/CL $assets_alexnet $assets_alexnet/go_kart.ppm $assets_alexnet/labels.txt

Running in Linux

For linux in addition to, these three libraries should be copied into target. So first copy these libraries from the ARMCL dir:
cp build/ build/ build/ $lib_dir
Then copy into $lib_dir and set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to them:
cp /system/lib64/egl/ $lib_dir/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$lib_dir

Now it is ready to run built binaries in build dir of ARMCL.

For AlexNet there is a zip file of model paramters, sample images and a label file. So you can run this graph for real data and see the results. For this purpose first download this zip file at:

make a directory and extract this zip file:
mkdir $assets_alexnet
unzip -d $assets_alexnet

Run the AlexNet graph with this command. Select NEON or CL to run it on CPU or GPU respectively:
./build/examples/graph_alexnet Neon/CL $assets_alexnet $assets_alexnet/go_kart.ppm $assets_alexnet/labels.txt

Release repository:

Development repository:

Please report issues here:

Make sure you are using the latest version of the library before opening an issue. Thanks


Related projects:


Documentation (API, changelogs, build guide, contribution guide, errata, etc.) available at

Binaries available at

Supported Architectures/Technologies

  • Arm® CPUs:

    • Arm® Cortex®-A processor family using Arm® Neon™ technology
    • Arm® Cortex®-R processor family with Armv8-R AArch64 architecture using Arm® Neon™ technology
    • Arm® Cortex®-X1 processor using Arm® Neon™ technology
  • Arm® Mali™ GPUs:

    • Arm® Mali™-G processor family
    • Arm® Mali™-T processor family
  • x86

Supported OS

  • Android™
  • Bare Metal
  • Linux®
  • macOS®
  • Tizen™

License and Contributions

The software is provided under MIT license. Contributions to this project are accepted under the same license.

Public mailing list

For technical discussion, the ComputeLibrary project has a public mailing list: [email protected] The list is open to anyone inside or outside of Arm to self subscribe. In order to subscribe, please visit the following website:

Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO)

Before the ComputeLibrary project accepts your contribution, you need to certify its origin and give us your permission. To manage this process we use the Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO) V1.1 (

To indicate that you agree to the the terms of the DCO, you "sign off" your contribution by adding a line with your name and e-mail address to every git commit message:

Signed-off-by: John Doe <[email protected]>

You must use your real name, no pseudonyms or anonymous contributions are accepted.

Trademarks and Copyrights

Android is a trademark of Google LLC.

Arm, Cortex and Mali are registered trademarks or trademarks of Arm Limited (or its subsidiaries) in the US and/or elsewhere.

Linux® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries.

Mac and macOS are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

Tizen is a registered trademark of The Linux Foundation.


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