A simple cli application to keep your hosts file up-to-date with running docker containers.
You can find the latest release including binaries here.
A simple cli application to keep your hosts file up-to-date with running docker containers.
Homepage: https://github.com/edwinhoksberg/docker-sync-hosts
0.0.4 [b46e0057a57c7a6ff624796c661df123588b4739]
Edwin Hoksberg <[email protected]>
sync Sync the hosts file with currently running docker containers
daemon Start a daemon to sync your hosts file when a container is started or stopped
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--socket value socket endpoint for docker (default: "unix:///var/run/docker.sock")
--extension value the hostname extension to use (default: ".test")
--verbose enable debug logging
--quiet completely disable logging
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
This program is written in Go, using these dependencies:
- sirupsen/logrus - Logrus is a structured logger for Go (golang), completely API compatible with the standard library logger.
- urfave/cli - cli is a simple, fast, and fun package for building command line apps in Go.
- fsouza/go-dockerclient - Go client for the Docker remote API.