Assignment 3 - Persistence: Two-tier Web Application with Database, Express server, and CSS template
Guest List
To have a list of guest for a big event, The user would be able to see who was invited and by who. Then they can see if a user has checked into the event or not.
When you add a guest it will check the current user that is logged in and show that that user added that guest. Only that person can edit and delete thier guest. If you log in as another user you will not be able to edit or delete another person's gues.
A major challenge when building this application was getting the session and cookies to work and when a user adds a name the list it would get the user in session and refrences that the user was added by them.
The CSS framework I used was tailwind because I thought it was the most simplistic and friendly view
For authentication I checked the username and password from the database to see if its valid. If the username exist, but wrong password it sends the wrong
- Tech Achievement 1: I used Render to host my web application
I emailed asking for an extension and it was approved