We are excited to announce the first full release of PosturePerfection! We have tweaked a few things since v0.4.0 to make your user experience even better, and we have added some guidance on how to use our system.
- Set an ideal posture
- Receive constant feedback on your actual posture
- Receive notifications on multiple Linux devices when your posture becomes bad
- Tune the system using our intuitive settings menu
See here for our instructions on setting up the notification receiver.
Pre-built (recommended)
Simply run our installation script (attached as an asset). To download and run installation:
wget https://github.com/ESE-Peasy/PosturePerfection/releases/download/v1.0.0/PosturePerfection_install_1.0.0.sh
sh PosturePerfection_install_1.0.0.sh
To build this release from source, checkout this release and follow the instructions provided in the README.md:
# Download the repository
git clone https://github.com/ESE-Peasy/PosturePerfection.git
cd PosturePerfection
# Checkout this release
git checkout v1.0.0
Then follow instructions in the README.md