Duit is an actively growing open-source ecosystem of libraries and tools aimed at helping developers easily and effectively implement the backend-driven UI approach in their Flutter-based applications.
The framework consists of several parts:
- Flutter package
- Go DSL
- TypeScript DSL
- Flexible framework architecture that allows easy integration with new and existing Flutter applications
- Support for different network protocols (http, websocket) with extension ability
- Event-drived state management with Actions & Events API
- Ability to add your own custom widgets on the Flutter and backend side
- Powerful templating system (Components) to reduce json size and code coherence
- Ability to execute dynamically passed scripts in the integrated runtime environment to create dynamically changing business logic
Learn more Duit features on our website
- Install flutter_duit
flutter pub add flutter_duit
- Create DuitDriver instance.
It is responsible for displaying the UI, updating the state of widgets, and calling widget-related actions.
final driver = DuitDriver(
transportOptions: HttpTransportOptions(
defaultHeaders: {"Content-Type": "application/json"},
baseUrl: "http://localhost:8999",
- Embed the DuitViewHost widget into your application in the build method.
driver: driver,
placeholder: const CircularProgressIndicator(),
- New event types
- Expanding the widget collection
- Increasing unit test coverage of the code base
- Expansion and improvement of documentation quality
- New DSL (eg. for Dart)
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