SuiteSparse v4.0.1
SuiteSparse v4.0.1, June 20, 2012.
* AMD 2.3.1:
minor fix to MATLAB install; no change to C except version nubmer
* CAMD 2.3.1:
minor fix to MATLAB install; no change to C except version nubmer
* CHOLMOD 2.0.1:
bug fix for GPU code, when the matrix is singular
minor fix to MATLAB install
* CSparse 3.1.1:
minor fix to MATLAB install; no change to C except version nubmer
* CXSparse 3.1.1:
minor fix to MATLAB install; no change to C except version nubmer
* KLU 1.2.1:
minor fix to MATLAB install; no change to C except version nubmer
* RBio 2.1.1:
minor fix to MATLAB install; no change to C except version nubmer
* SPQR 1.3.1:
minor fix to MATLAB install; no change to C except version nubmer
* UMFPACK 5.6.1:
minor fix to MATLAB install; no change to C except version nubmer
* MATLAB_Tools:
update to UFcollection (filesep)