Finally, it's open source.
Friday Night Funkin' FPS Plus is a mod of Friday Night Funkin' that aims to improve gameplay and add quality of life features.
You can find the original game here: Newgrounds - - GitHub
The orignal purpose of FPS Plus. The game has an increased framerate over the base game and even an option for a completely uncapped framerate.
Adjusts how the game handles input allowing you to hit notes more consistently.
This also changes held notes so that they disappear if released to early.
So that you can use whatever wacky control scheme you come up with. Or you could just be boring and use DFJK. That works too...
FPS Plus contains a modified chart editor that has more utility features and is way more user friendly.
The animation debug has been adjusted to make editing offsets way easier and faster while requiring less guess work.
Notes appear from the top of the screen instead of the bottom. This make help some people read patterns more easily.
Adjusted some of the health icons and adds winning icons.
For build intructions, follow the guide on the Funkin github page here.
You do not need to install polymod since FPS Plus doesn't use it.
You can ignore is the part about ignored files since FPS Plus removes them.
You'll also want to follow the instructions for haxeflixel video here.
But instead, install my fork of the webm extension with this:
haxelib git extension-webm
(All my fork does is allow you to changing the max amount of frameskip.)
Alternatively if the fork isn't working, you can just delete this line in Main.hx
WebmPlayer.SKIP_STEP_LIMIT = 90;
- ninjamuffin99 - Programmer
- PhantomArcade3K and Evilsk8r - Art
- Kawaisprite - Musician
- Rozebud - Hack'd
- KadeDev - Occasional code advice. (Sometime I don't listen though...)
- GWebDev - Haxeflixel Video
- Ethab Taxi - He's just sorta chillin'.