This repository will be filled with a collection of all projects in the Full Cycle 2.0 course while I take the course.
The project is organized in modules with some anotations for each module inside each directory. While I do the entire course everything probably whold be modified and the summary of each module probably will be rewriten to have a better explanation.
[In construction]
Some especific challenges will be listes here while I'm doing the courses. Not all courses have challenges, but all of then will get one directory with information about your respective information.
The first challenge consist in building a very small image using docker and using a multi-stage building, create a new image with only the binary created in GO and execute it.
The image repository to the first challenge is here
If the image still exists, you can just download it from:
docker pull coudbenks/codeeducation
On the image logs you should see a message with the binary result. More information about the image can be found in the Docker directory.
In progres...