This Libary is designed as an educational project to make using the Open Props UI Library easy to set up with a fast HTML Web App.
The first part of this app will build “vendor” the required css structure for setting up the appplication to use; - Open Props CSS Custom Variables - Open Props UI
If you are new to using nbdev
here are some useful pointers to get you
# make sure fasthtml_opui package is installed in development mode
$ pip install -e .
# make changes under nbs/ directory
# ...
# compile to have changes apply to fasthtml_opui
$ nbdev_prepare
Install latest from from pypi
$ pip install fasthtml_opui
Documentation can be found hosted on this GitHub repository’s pages. Additionally you can find package manager specific guidelines on conda and pypi respectively.
from fasthtml.common import *
# Import specific classes from fasthtml_opui
from fasthtml_opui.core import OpenProps, OpenPropsSync
# Initialize OpenProps syncer and sync files
syncer = OpenPropsSync()
# Create FastHTML app
app, rt = fast_app(hdrs=OpenProps('dark', 'cyan'), pico=False)
def get():
return Titled("Welcome",
H2("Hello World"),
P("This is a FastHTML app using OpenProps UI"),
Button("Click me!", cls="button")