A PHP library for sanitizing and validating user inputs. This library is based on https://www.phptutorial.net/ tutorial on how to make a custom input validator form scratch.
- Installation
- Supported input types
- Usage
PHP versions 7.1 up to PHP 8.1 are currently supported.
The PECL mbstring extension is required.
It is recommended to use composer to install the library.
composer require deskola/simple-validator
You can also use any other PSR-4 compliant autoloader.
If you do not use composer, ensure that you also load any dependencies that this project has, such as giggsey/locale.
Below is the list of data type which will be sanitized against. Any data type not in the list will be result into an error
- string
- int
- float
- url
Below are the rule that can be passed against an input
Rule | Rule name | Parameter | Meaning | |
required | required | No | The field is set and not empty | |
alphanumeric | alphanumeric | No | The field only contains letters and numbers | |
No | The field is a valid email address | |||
secure | secure | No | The field must have between 8 and 64 characters and contain at least one number, one upper case letter, one lower case letter, and one special character. This rule is for the password field. example (!@#$%^&*+_) | |
min: 3 | min | An integer specifies the minimum length of the field | The length of the field must be greater than or equal to min length, e.g., 3 | |
max: 255 | max | An integer specifies the maximum length of the field | The length of the field must be less than or equal to min length, e.g., 255 | |
same: another_field | same | The name of another field | The field value must be the same as the value of the another_field | |
between: min, max | between | min and max are integers that specify the minimum and maximum length of the field | The length of the field must be between min and max. | |
url | url | No | The field must have a valid url starting with (http/https://) | |
iso:KE | iso | A string value of country ISO Name e.g. KE (for Kenya) | This library also utilises giggsey library to validate phone number based on a country ISO Name | |
options:1,2 | options | comma separated list of items being validated against | ||
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
$validation = new Deskola\SimpleValidator\InputFilter();
$data = [
'name' => 'Doe',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'phone' => '2547********'
$iso = "KE";
$fields = [
'name' => "string| required | max: 3",
'email' => 'email| required | email',
'phone' => 'string| required | iso:KE'
$response = $validation->filter($data, $fields);
[name] => The name must have at most 3 characters
[email] => The email is not a valid email address
[phone] => The phone must be a valid phone number