- In this morning's session, we'll explore the different technologies used, process/approach, unsolved problems and some wins and challenges that went along in creating a map based trivia game.
- The game will be played at different locations.
- After answering three questions correctly, user will be able to move on to the next location.
- The questions will be about different programming languages.
- At the end winner will be initiated to join WAKANDA!!
Utilized mainly the bootstrap.min.css file to apply responsive styling all over the website :
- Nav Bar on the landing page collapses into a hamburger
- Classes
( actual data-toggle).navbar-toggler
( applies styling ( adds the hamburger icon)).nav-link
(applied to every link or nav item)
- Classes
Delegated our main view to Mapbox
Queried questions from the database and populated them on the pop up windows :
- Functions
( how to fly to a new location/question)setDomContent
( creates a question using a from tag and places the form on the popup window )
- Functions
- 75% of the code is written in JavasSctipt/jQuery.
- JS and jQuery were necessary to manipulate the DOM, make AJAX calls and implement Mapbox.
Necessary Components in every website
Design principles
- Bright baby blue roads in the final question to represent vibranium form Wakanda
- Royal gold 3D buildings to mach the gold royalty
- 1 main css file to reduce file dependency on the overall site
- Overall, a minimalstic design with all the important content in the center
Back end stack of our trivia game.
- Data type/models.
- 2 Tables
- A question has 1 quiz
- A quiz has many questions
- Data type/models.
- Making our code DRY
- Displaying questions on the Mapbox pop up windows
- Validating quiz answers
How to fly aorund the map
`$("#wakanda").on("click", function(){
center: cords3,
pitch: 45,
hash: true,
bearing: -17.6,
zoom: 15.5
}) `