Releases: DedInc/emunium
Releases · DedInc/emunium
- Added OCR search functionality using find_text_elements() to detect text on the screen.
- Replaced pyclick with HumanCursor for more human-like mouse behavior.
- Enhanced image search by implementing algorithms that accurately detect images even when their contrast, rotation, or size is altered.
- Enabled scrolling in standalone mode.
- Refactored the codebase to follow a modular structure.
- Added support for Playwright browser automation library.
- Added a standalone Emunium class for non-browser automation scenarios.
- Introduced a new ClickType enum to specify different types of clicks (left, right, middle, double).
- The find_and_move method has been split into separate move_to and click_at methods.
- Improved element center calculation (It worked especially badly with pyppeteer, now it's perfect)
- Optimized scrolling behavior to smoothly scroll to elements using smaller scroll steps and delays for a more natural appearance
- Removed JavaScript evaluation for finding element center and scrolling, relying on Python code instead