A new, independent implementation of map vote.
- Unlimited number of presets
- Unlimited number of maps
- Quicker transfer of data to clients
- Automatic management of ServerPackages
- Opt-in (
) - Before server version 469c
have to be configured correctly - With 469c or later no further configuration is necessary
- Opt-in (
- Map repeat limits (
Servers must run at least UT v469.
Clients must run at least UT v436.
Admin UI functionality also requires at least UT v469 clients.
- Make sure the VoteSys .u and .int files are in the System folder
- Add VoteSys mutator to URL when starting the server
- Add VoteSys to list of ServerPackages in INI
- If your server has a firewall:
- Open a TCP port in it
- Set DataPort to the port you just opened
- If you have proxy servers for players to connect to:
- Set ServerAddress to the actual address of your server
- Set DataPort to a port of your choice, if you did not set it already
Server settings are split between multiple INI files.
- VoteSys.ini
- VoteSysPresets.ini
- VoteSysMapLists.ini
In addition there are INI files that dont contain configuration, but are used to store data between map-changes:
- VoteSysTemp.ini
- VoteSysHistory.ini
Sometimes during configuration, you will be asked to refer to presets using their full names. A full preset name is "<Category>/<PresetName>"
For example, given the following preset:
PresetName=Custom Preset Name
Category=My Category
its full preset name is "My Category/Custom Preset Name"
DefaultPreset=DM/Team DeathMatch
DefaultActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerAddress=utmaster.epicgames.com MasterServerPort=27900
DefaultActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerAddress=333networks.com MasterServerPort=27900
DefaultActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerAddress=unreal.epicgames.com MasterServerPort=27900
- bEnableACEIntegration
- GameEndedVoteDelay
- VoteTimeLimit
- MidGameVoteThreshold
- MidGameVoteTimeLimit
- VoteEndCondition
- bRetainCandidates
- bOpenVoteMenuAutomatically
- MinimumRepeatDistance
- bEnableKickVoting
- KickVoteThreshold
- DefaultTimeMessageClass
- DefaultPreset
- bAlwaysUseDefaultPreset
- DefaultMap
- bAlwaysUseDefaultMap
- ServerAddress
- DataPort
- ClientDataPort
- bManageServerPackages
- bUseServerPackagesCompatibilityMode
- bUseServerActorsCompatibilityMode
- PresetProbeDepth
- IdleTimeout
- DefaultPackages
- DefaultActors
- GameNameMode
- LogoTexture
- LogoRegion
- LogoDrawRegion
- LogoButton0
- LogoButton1
- LogoButton2
If enabled, VoteSys will use ACE to enforce kicks and bans. ACE does not grab the necessary information for players that arent using the Windows client, so if enabled these players will not be able to use VoteSys.
Defaults to False.
Number of seconds to wait before opening the map vote menu at the end of the game.
Defaults to 5.
Number of seconds players have to vote for the next map.
Defaults to 30.
Fraction of eligible players that have to have voted before mid-game voting is initiated.
Defaults to 0.5.
Number of seconds players have to vote for the next map while the current map is still being played. If 0 or less, VoteTimeLimit will be used instead.
Defaults to 0.
Controls how votes can end. Supported values are:
Votes always end after the timer runs outVEC_TimerOrAllVotesIn
Votes end after the timer runs out, or sooner if all eligible voters have cast their voteVEC_TimerOrResultDetermined
Votes end after the timer runs out, or sooner if the outstanding votes can no longer influence the result.
Defaults to VEC_TimerOnly
If true, candidates that no longer have any votes for them get retained. If false, candidates with no votes disappear from the list.
Defaults to false.
If true, the vote menu gets opened automatically when the vote timer starts.
If false, the menu does not get opened automatically. Setting this to false is equivalent to setting bOpenVoteMenuAutomatically
to false for all presets.
Defaults to true.
Number of different maps that must be played before being able to play the current map again.
Same map, but a different preset does not count as the same map for the purposes of this check.
Defaults to 0.
If True, players can vote to kick other players. If False, players cant vote to kick others.
Default is True.
Fraction of eligible players that have to be in favor of kicking another player for that player to be kicked.
Default is 0.6
Specifies a message class that is used when the PlayerPawn class is not based on TournamentPlayer.
Defaults to Botpack.TimeMessage.
Specifies the preset thats selected by default should the server not know what preset was voted last. Uses a full preset name. If empty, the first detected preset will be selected as default preset.
Empty by default.
Specifies the map that VoteSys should switch to when using DefaultPreset
. If empty, a random map will be selected. Map must be part of the map list for DefaultPreset
, otherwise it will be treated as if no map was specified.
Empty by default.
Specifies the address that clients will connect to for VoteSys data transfer. If empty, clients will reuse the address they connected to.
Empty by default.
Specifies the TCP port on the server to listen on for connections by clients.
Use this if you are running behind a firewall and need to explicitly allow connections on specific TCP ports.
Values less than 1024 should not really be used as they might fail to bind (check server log if you suspect this). 0 lets VoteSys grab a random port (greater than 1024).
0 by default.
Specifies the port clients should connect to, in order to receive preset data.
Useful when there is a proxy between clients and the game server. Both DataPort
and ClientDataPort
must be non-zero for ClientDataPort
to be used.
Clients will connect to ClientDataPort
, the server will listen on DataPort
, and the proxy in between client and server will need to forward connections on ClientDataPort
to the server on DataPort
If DataPort
is 0 or specifies a port that cannot be used, ClientDataPort
will be disregarded. This means clients will try to connect on the same port as the one the server is listening on.
0 by default.
If True, VoteSys will automatically adjust the ServerPackages depending on the currently running preset. If False, VoteSys will not adjust ServerPackages at all.
Defaults to False.
Prior to 469c, automatically adjusting ServerPackages requires modifying the INI, which VoteSys will do automatically. DefaultPackages is used to restore a clean state. If you as server admin want to add new packages to the list of ServerPackages, you should add them to DefaultPackages instead.
On 469c and later modifying the INI is no longer required.
Only Packages that do not have the ServerSideOnly flag set are added to ServerPackages automatically.
If True, VoteSys will always use the INI (even on 469c or later servers) to change the ServerPackages.
This setting is irrelevant if bManageServerPackages
is False.
Defaults to False.
If True, VoteSys will modify the ServerActors list to spawn the Actors specific to a preset. DefaultActors is used to restore a standard list of ServerActors to add the preset's ServerActors to. If False, VoteSys will spawn the presets Actors itself.
Defaults to False.
Only set to True if you want to use at least one ServerActor that does not work correctly without this option set to True, but does work correctly when activated statically through the ServerActors list.
Controls how many consecutive presets must have an empty PresetName
before VoteSys stops probing. Settings lower than 1 will be reset to 1.
If you have gaps in your list of presets, you can modify this setting to skip over those gaps.
1 by default.
How long in seconds the server will wait before switching to DefaultPreset if there are no players on the server (spectators dont count).
If the value is 1 or less the server will wait indefinitely.
0 by default.
Filled in automatically after bManageServerPackages
is set to True. While that setting is True, edit this list to change the static ServerPackages
The format for this variable matches that of ServerPackages
in the UT INI: One package per line. You cannot combine multiple packages in a single DefaultPackages
By default no entries for this variable exist.
Filled in automatically after bUseServerActorsCompatibilityMode
is set to True. While this setting is True, edit this list to change the static ServerActors
The format for this variable matches that of ServerActors
in the UT INI: One Actor per line. You cannot combine multiple actors in a single DefaultActors
By default no entries for this variable exist.
Controls how the GameName property of game modes is changed by VoteSys. Valid values are:
- VoteSys will not modify GameNameGNM_PresetName
- VoteSys will write the name of the current preset into GameNameGNM_CategoryAndPresetName
- VoteSys will write the full preset name into GameName
Defaults to GNM_DoNotModify
If true, uses DefaultPreset
setting whenever switching maps without any votes by players.
If false, only uses DefaultPreset
setting when recovering from crashes or server restarts. Uses the the current preset instead if no player voted at the end of a match.
Defaults to true.
If true, uses the DefaultMap
setting whenever switching maps without any votes by players.
If false, only uses the DefaultMap
setting when recovering from crashes or server restarts.
If bAlwaysUseDefaultPreset
is false, this setting has no effect in order to avoid switching to maps that do not exist for the automatically selected preset.
Defaults to false.
If this refers to a valid texture, it is displayed to users as a logo instead of the chat interface until it is dismissed by the user. Users can dismiss the logo by pressing the X button in the top right of the logo.
The space reserved for the logo is 270 pixels wide and 234 pixels high, with the bottom 16 pixels reserved for logo buttons. If you want to perfectly fill out the space, use LogoRegion
to extract an image with that aspect ratio.
Can be used to extract a region from a larger image. X
and Y
specify the top-left corner of the image, W
and H
specify the number of pixels to extract horizontally and vertically, respecitvely.
If X
, Y
, W
, and H
are all 0, the full texture will be used as logo.
Can be used to resize and move the drawn logo. X
and Y
are effectively offsets from the center of the logo display area. W
and H
specify the width and height of the logo respectively.
In addition to a logo, up to three buttons can be displayed at the buttom of the logo area. These buttons have configurable labels and open configurable links.
For buttons to be shown, LogoTexture
must refer to a valid texture.
Each button will only be shown if LinkURL
is not empty.
PresetName=Team DeathMatch
PresetName=2v2v2v2 TDM
InheritFrom=DM/Team DeathMatch
ServerName=My xTDM Server
Each preset is a different section inside VoteSysPresets.ini (e.g. [VS_PresetConfig0]
, [VS_PresetConfig1]
, etc.). Each preset section needs to start with VS_PresetConfig, followed by a number. The number needs to start from 0 and can go as high as you want. You can not leave out numbers.
Each preset has a Name
, a Category
and an Abbreviation
and Name
are used to uniquely identify presets, so you may not have two presets with the same Category
and Name
and Abbreviation
may be blank.
may not be blank.
is used to inherit certain elements from other presets.
You can inherit from an arbitrary number of other presets.
Refer to other preset using their full preset names.
You can inherit ServerName
, Game
, Mutators
, Parameters
, GameSettings
, MinimumMapRepeatDistance
, MinPlayers
, and MaxPlayers
. Other elements cannot be inherited.
If you dont specify a value for ServerName
or Game
in the current preset, the first non-empty value in the list of presets you inherit from will be used.
If you dont specify a value, or if you specify a negative value for MinimumMapRepeatDistance
, MinPlayers
, or MaxPlayers
in the current preset, the first non-empty and non-negative value in the list of presets you inherit from will be used.
For Mutators
, Parameters
, and GameSettings
the values will be combined in the same order you specified the base presets. If you specify any addition values in the current preset, they will be added at the end.
can be used to make presets appear above others within a category. Higher values mean the preset will appear higher in the list.
Default is 0.
is used to change the name of the server for this preset. Changes to ServerName
persist across map changes.
It is recommended to define a ServerName
either for all presets or for none of them. Remember that ServerName
can be inherited from other presets.
is used to identify the gametype for the preset. It must not be blank for enabled presets.
can be used to specify a custom list of maps that can be used with the preset. If MapListName
is blank, all maps for the specified gametype are used.
can be used to specify both Mutators and ServerActors.
is equivalent to
Can be used to specify URL parameters.
is equivalent to
Can be used to specify changes to the gametype from the defaults.
is equivalent to
Can be used to specify additional packages that need to exist on clients. This setting has no effect if bManageServerPackages
is False.
is equivalent to
If True
the preset will not be shown to users and will not be eligible to become the default preset if DefaultPreset
is empty.
This setting does not need to be mentioned explicitly. Its default value will be used if it is not mentioned.
Default is False
If True
, the vote menu gets opened automatically when the vote timer starts while this preset is active on the server.
If False
, the menu does not get opened automatically.
Default is True
Specifying this setting allows you to override the server-wide setting on a per-preset basis. If not specified and not inherited from other presets, the server-wide setting will be used.
Specifies the minimum number of players that have to be present on the server in order to be allowed to vote for this preset.
Specifies the maximum number of players that can be present on the server to still be allowed to vote for this preset.
Map lists are specified in this file. To build the map list, VoteSys will first gather up all included maps, and then will remove any ignored maps. Ignored maps will always take precedence over included ones, and the ordering of included vs. ignored ones will not make a difference. If you want to include a map that was previously ignored, you can make another map list that includes it and the map list in question.
Specify individual maps to add or remove from the map list.
You can append ,MinPlayers=
followed by a number in order to specify that at least this many players need to be on the server to vote for this map.
You can append ,MaxPlayers=
followed by a number in order to specify that at most this many players can be on the server to vote for this map. Values less than 1 are interpreted as unlimited.
You can append both at the same time in any order.
Adds or removes all maps that match a specified prefix from the map list.
Adds or removes all maps in another map list from the map list.
In order to build this mutator, you need to be using UT99 v469d or later.
- Go to the installation directory of UT99 in a command shell
- Use
git clone https://github.com/Deaod/VoteSys
to clone the repo - Navigate to the newly created directory
- Execute
- The result of the build process will be available in the
folder that is next toBuild.bat