[BUGFIX] Fix possible issue that could leak file descriptors when reading config #425
[BUGFIX] Fix graph snapshot status endpoint #448
[BUGFIX] Revert users resource name to singular user as it was not fully supported #450
[BUGFIX] Fix error printing to stderr char by char #449
[BUGFIX] Add _return_raw_response to api module to prevent import errors before initialize is called #461
[BUGFIX] Threadstats: Fix periodic timer error on interpreter shutdown #423
[FEATURE] Add support for SLOs #453 and #464
[FEATURE] Add ability to send compressed payloads for metrics and distribution. #466
[FEATURE] Add parameter hostname_from_config to initialize to enable/disable hostname lookup from datadog-agent config to avoid warnings #428
[FEATURE] Dogstatsd: add ability to specify a default sample rate for all submissions #470 (thanks @dtao )
[IMPROVEMENT] Send API credentials through headers instead of URL query parameter #446
[IMPROVEMENT] Clarify docstring for metrics API #463
[IMPROVEMENT] Assert alert_type is correct when creating event #467
[IMPROVEMENT] Dogshell: make query and type optional when updating a monitor #447
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