The following project has been in-officially taken over by me (DarkBahamut162). And I also downgraded this theme as it more looks like how SM SSC looked than the slowly changing 5.0.x release.
It's source is being displayed down below.
Description: The legacy theme from StepMania 5.0.x with slight performance tweaks for OutFox.
Date: Aug 19th 2020 - Feb 1st 2021
I actually could have forked this one as well, but I didn't (for even more bizzare reasons)
What has been fixed so far:
- All cmd() transformed to function(self)
- "Removed" StageDisplay at places (not really needed)
- Reintroduced SortOrderFrame & fixed SortOrderText in ScreenSelectMusic
- SegmentTypes reconfigured for 2-Player in ScreenSelectMusic
- Reintroduces BPMDisplay color change on ScreenSelectMusic
- Fixed ScreenEdit background
- "Removed" SM5's pause system
- Reintroduced all Fonts from SM SSC
- Reintroduced PaneDisplays for Stream/Voltage/Air/Freeze/Chaos (3rd column)
- Remove Decimals from BPMDisplay during ScreenGamePlay
- Fixed and reintroduced Segments in ScreenGamePlay that now uses StepTimingData
- Lowered MinSecondsToStep/-Music/-StepNextSong to ITG times
There still might be things needing a little fix here and there, but since I'm not seeing them, it will stay like this, for now...