A little (smart maybe) lsp signature helper for neovim.
This Neovim plugin provides a signature help feature for LSP (Language Server Protocol) clients. I can't tell much, just watch the showcases.
We have dock
mode but its under dev for now, please take low expectations:
- Signature Help: Displays function signatures and parameter information in a floating window.
- Toggle Mode: Toggle signature help in normal mode.
- Customizable: Highly customizable with options for icons, colors, and more.
- Integration: Integrates with nvim-treesitter for syntax highlighting.
- Notifications: Displays notifications for errors, warnings, and info messages.
Using lazy.nvim
Add the following to your init.lua
and use main
branch always:
branch = "main",
opts = {
-- Your configuration options here
config = function(_,opts)
Add the following to your init.vim
Plug "Dan7h3x/signup.nvim"
Then, in your init.lua
lua << EOF
-- Your configuration options here
The plugin comes with a default configuration, but you can customize it according to your preferences. Here are the available options:
opts = {
silent = false,
number = true,
icons = {
parameter = "",
method = "",
documentation = "",
colors = {
parameter = "#86e1fc",
method = "#c099ff",
documentation = "#4fd6be",
default_value = "#a80888",
active_parameter_colors = {
bg = "#86e1fc",
fg = "#1a1a1a",
border = "solid",
winblend = 10,
auto_close = true,
trigger_chars = { "(", "," },
max_height = 10,
max_width = 40,
floating_window_above_cur_line = true,
preview_parameters = true,
debounce_time = 30,
dock_toggle_key = "<Leader>sd",
toggle_key = "<C-k>", -- for normal mode
dock_mode = {
enabled = false,
position = "bottom",
height = 3,
padding = 1,
render_style = {
separator = true,
compact = true,
align_icons = true,
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue if you encounter any problems or have suggestions for improvements.
This plugin is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.