A spending tracker which offers insights into spending to allow users to better control their finances. First solo @CodeClan project - planned and built over 7 days in weeks 4 and 5. Ruby/Sinatra backend with a PostreSQL database, HTML5 and CSS3 used for frontend.
Dynamic insights into the users’ spending patterns to allow better money management
Add and manage transactions, merchants and categories
Users can "round up" transactions and add this to a savings pot
Goal image updates based on user input
Dashboard view allowing users an overview of their spending on one page
Prior to installation you will need the following installed on your machine -
Here's how you can get the Spending Tracker running locally once you download the repository. This will need to be done from the local folder.
Create the database
createdb spending_tracker
Run database schema
psql -d spending_tracker -f db/spending_tracker.sql
Run seed file for creation of initial transactions, merchants and categories
ruby db/seeds.rb
Launch app
ruby app.rb
Finally, visit http://localhost:4567 in your browser.