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RadWolfie edited this page Jan 1, 2018 · 6 revisions

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DZS Halo H Ext's Add on API

Ever since the beginning of the Add-on API, the following 4 standard requirement for initializing a plugin.

NOTICE: This is updated for Add-on API 4.0.

The following definition to this date are supported:

To create an Add-on, you need to provide information in addon_info structure:
addon_info EXTPluginInfo = { L"Your Plugin Name", //Plugin Name
			L"", //Version
			L"Author", //Your name
			L"Simple description of what it does.", //Description
			L"Config folder", //Preferred configuration folder to be used for this plugin. (For ICIniFile interface usage)
			NULL, //Sector1 (Sector 1-5 is used for import the commands level from commands.ini
			NULL, //Sector2
			NULL, //Sector3
			NULL, //Sector4
Then you need to provide the load and unload functions. Since it is variety in different language, I will provide standard parameter and return expectation. You can also look at UnitTest's source codes too.
EAO_RETURN EXTOnEAOLoad(unsigned int hash) {
	// do whatever you need to initialize your plugin such as load settings, start functions need to check up, etc.
	// Including the commands to be append with our command listener system.
	return EAOCONTINUE; //Look in Add-on API.h's EAO_RETURN enum for all supported values.

void EXTOnEAOUnload(void) {
	// do whatever you need to stop your plugin such as save settings, end functions need to check up, etc.
	// Including to remove all of command from our command listener system. (May subject to change for self remove commands.)

Once you have compile your Add-on, you need to use Add-on Converter application in order for Halo Extension to load your Add-on. Add-on Converter will validate your definition, hooks, etc, then convert it. You will find converted file in the same directory where you compiled it.

Have questions? Please use the Add-on API FAQ page before contacting us.

For complete list of events from native Halo, please go to events section.

For complete list of Database API functions needed, please go to Database API section.

For complete list of Console API functions needed, please go to Console API section.

For complete list of Timer API functions needed, please go to Timer API section.

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